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I promised I'll let the person know who sold me the Gold WCMM if I was able to breed them , well happy to say I now have a nice batch of little gold :) Sorry i'd have PMed you but the brain must be going I can't for the life of me remeber your log on name :oops: But thank you again for them Also thanks to Wok who helped me get them , still owe you a drink mate , see you at conferance :)

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Just a question for Paul, did you breed these guys using the tank full of plants or did you seperate the males and females condition them up and stick them in a breeding net?

fed them up together in a tank packed with fine leaved plants , once I've seen the fry i've taken the adults out , even tho WCMM are not known as fry eaters

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I thought that I would have no trouble keeping a steady flow of these guys leaving them in a planted tank and pulling out fry as I needed them - unfortunately they seem to enjoy eating the fry - more so than the standard colour.

I think if you would want a decent amount of fry to remove the parents post breeding - but then that is exactly what Paul just said

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