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3 Tadpoles and 1 frog have now died.


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I really dont know what else to do.

I took all you lovely peoples suggestions and gave the tadpoles tomato but it was too late and they died a few hours later and now just as we were out getting some things to set up the frog terrarium(sp?) Our biggest frog died.

Weve only had them a week and a half. I really dont know what else to do the remaining 2 frogs are now in their new home and im hoping this helps but the biggest of the two isnt looking happy- hes kinda puffing a little.

I hope he comes right. This was my wee girls bday pressie and if we lose all of them she will be very upset.

Dont know what im looking for exactly but i guess i just wish i knew what to do to fix the problem.

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if tank is too warm frogs can suffer from fungal infections of the skin

check the tank for warmth and if you are going to replace the taddies etc.

best to wash it before putting anything new in there

fungus is sometimes not noticeable on the frog but it coats the skin

a frogs skin is porous and can allow sprays, toxins etc to be absorbed into the frogs metabolism, so don't clean tank with any bleach or disinfectant

boiling water and a good scrub is best

sorry for your experience with the frogs etc

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  • 1 year later...

I now have a frog that i raised from a tadpole all i did was feed it fish food, once its tail had gone i put it in a tank with damp moss a lid and a plant.

it eats fruit flies and earthworms (small ones) i dont see the need for heat lamps and fancy lights as you dont see these in the wild!

i hope it is not to late for your frogs :bounce:

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The common frogs in Christchurch are the southern bells and whistlers. They are both tree frogs and don't like it too hot. The green and gold bell frogs (including the albino variety) are only found in the wild in the north of the north island and are the ones I have and need to be heated. The tadpoles in my experience do best in rainwater and like to graze on algae. I fed mine on flake fish food and brine shrimp nuplii. I lost a few tadpoles until I was advised and changed to rainwater. The only frogs I have lost are the ones that got eaten by their siblings.

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I now have a frog that i raised from a tadpole all i did was feed it fish food, once its tail had gone i put it in a tank with damp moss a lid and a plant.

it eats fruit flies and earthworms (small ones) i dont see the need for heat lamps and fancy lights as you dont see these in the wild!

i hope it is not to late for your frogs :bounce:

you don`t see fancy heat lamps and uv lights in the wild because they have natural sunlight and the ability to hibernate through the coldest parts of winter?your frogs may live or die but if they don`t get the necessaries to them their lives will not be long or healthy?

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hi sorry my message was not very clear, yes my frog does have a light.

what I was saying is theres no need to pay for lots of different lights and bulbs when all you realy need is one or two provided your frogs are keep in a warm room.

also give them some moss to make a nest or bed with this will help.

- although I am new to this website I'm not new to keeping frogs.

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