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who would take care of a borneo tiger for me?


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Maybe not permantly back. But may consider holding him for a select few so good home is garenteed. Or play middle man for a friend. We where going to be setting up a larger tank in the future. But an upgrade on the marine is happening first.

Would eventualy like him back in our tank at some stage.

If my four foot tank could hold him permantly i would have hit the buy now allready.

Will see what happens with the new day.

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yes fetching all the discus home for dinner :o

For the first time in 26 years my husband is interested in fish - he loves the discus in the tank!!!!!

I mention discus and get taken to all the pet shops in auckland where I get to buy everything I want. :wink:

Its such a win its incredible :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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vultures... damn vultures!! :D

nah well, i wont be too cut up

i hvae two already hence the need for a fish sitter untill i get my 1200 litre set up

in there, i wanted to have 3 or 4 borneos... but looks like im only gonna have two for now.

i have a tank wiht two big ones, i cannot squeeze anymore, also i dont wanna risk fighting wiht the new one in a small ish tank.

if i had the 8 footer runnin, it would never have made it into trademe! i wouldve bought it straight away

if someone wants to baby sit this beauty, i can guarantee a beautiful home for the beast later in the year.....

pm me

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