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Heating 15,000 litres of water


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there are fish here that can be put in those tanks


and really 3400 for a poratble swimming pool, 15k water volume.

is good value!

just heating is, i was thinking of a solar heaitng system. running water through some black pipes that hits the sunlight, to heat it, i seen that works in normal pools.

just to make it a litle easier to heat.


id love to put pacus in there. somehow install a viewing window:D

some other large fish that i am tracking down. this is my 3 year plan or so

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i just got a quote for 3000 x 1200 x 1000h, 11500 dollars!

i mean thats big, but not that! big!

in terms of cost of set up, a portable pools, which already comes iwth a spa pool 1horse power filter is only 3400 delivered to my door.

only issues are heating, and insulation in winter..

insulation in winter i would assume wouldnt be that much, just pink batts aroundt eh tank and nicely wrap it up:D

but heating, i think it would cost a good 2 to 3 thousand to get a heating system

still cheaper, lot cheaper to do large scale!

somehuge clowns, gouramis, aros, pacus, catfish etc

like i said, this is a plan thats spanning next 2 to 3 years when i purchase a home of my own.

then looking for big fish wont be too hard, once found then you setup:D

to view, you dive in ith a mask and snorkle

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but heating, i think it would cost a good 2 to 3 thousand to get a heating system

I'd be surprised if you couldn't do it for under $1000 without trying hard.

Like I was saying before, water cylinder heating elements I'd imagine would be good and I think mine at least is 2kw. You can get a marine tank heat controller for $200ish, 3-4 of those water cylinder elements at $100ish(I think) each that's $600 for 8kw of heating. A bit of plumbing, wiring and relays for a few hundred more. Right around $1000. And, I'm sure there are better/cheaper ways to do it, but this would all be using pieces I think could be easily found.

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hey mark:

solar seems good and efficient. backed up by electricity no doubt if sun isnt very strong?

hot water bore, i am unsure if we get many hot water wells here.. i really dont know how that works lol

looking for massive containers for fish, doesnt have to be a pool i guess

any ideas mark? i mean massive talking at least 6000 litres

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mmmmmm ira

you put forwards a valid point

if you put it that wya, it sounds very cheap...:D

and ifit works and reliable, it dont matter...

getting good ideas here

i just such a big fan of monster fish!

huge fish!

any ideas on alternatives to a pool?

someone suggested a water tank, like those found in rural areas to store rain water. and someone said i could cut out a hole on the side and put on perspex. so it can be viewed easily

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Hmmm, Just doing some calculations. Say you get a good thick reinforced concrete pad poured at about $1000?

Concrete blocks for 8 meterX3 meter X 2meter double thickness would need about 1100 at $3.45 each

Blocks: $3795

Rebar: $528(3 two meter sections per layer of the wall)

So $4323 for outer wall not counting concrete to fill it. Guess another $1000 for that.

So $6323 for the pond+need a couple coats of pond paint or I guess you could go fancy and fiberglass it. And I'm sure you'd need a resource consent.:)

That's 48,000 liters right there.

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Don't forget the added cost of a viewing window, it would be a shame not to put one in if you're making an above-ground pond. (otherwise just use a swimming pool if you only want to see them from the top)

I'm planning on making an above-ground portable pond with the 8'x2' panel of glass I'm getting, once we're settled in our own home (which could be years away!) either from steel or timber. Have a look on the DIY forum at monsterfishkeepers.com there's some pretty massive home-made tanks/ponds there.

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yeah, australia aint much better wiht fish, cos they dont let you import some, it gets hot enough there for the fish to survive during the winter months!

well, i guess relocating just for fish is one thing

but you can also make the best out of nz

havin a school of pacus, gouramis, catfishes, even some nz river and lake fishes. jsut all big fish you cna possibly find

i think it could be impressive too!

but i know wha tyou mean

RTC, shovel nose, arapaima, rays, etc

would be wicked!

i guess in nz we ust hvae to settle with what we have and a school of silver aros:D

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i guess in nz we ust hvae to settle with what we have and a school of silver aros:D

Yeah, realistically I'd never be able to afford to build a tank like that, let alone run it and feed all the massive fish! I'm planning on about 8-9'x4'x30" for the pond, partially because thats the size of the free glass, and partially because anything much bigger will be way too expensive! The good thing with having 3 solid sides is that it can be insulated well to save on heating costs.

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