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jager heaters - annoying


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Easy buy a new heater from Pet Planet/Onehunga Pet & Vet or similar store, about $25 for a 300watter brand new, i gave up buying second hand as they either dont work properly or if they do not for long......new = warranty :wink:

I also gave up on new Aqua One stainless steel ones, had 2 die within a year and even though they are stainless they only have a 6mth warranty.

Depending on how many you want you could try Diacks Nursery, i bought 20 a couple of years ago, 150 W, 200W and 300W mix and they were $10 each new.

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Jaeger are top quality and top price. There is a button on the top which you pull up. If it is second hand it may stick a little initially and need assistance with a knife or screw driver. Place it in water of a known temperature for about 10 minutes with the button up then turn the dial until the dial matches the water temperature and push the button properly down. It is now adjusted correctly and you can make finer adjustments as required. I have a number of them and have never had them fail yet. Best on the market in my view.

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henward, as yours was second and it may have been one of the old jäger heaters before the company merged with eheim and problems were fixed. the new jäger heaters are fantastic and come with a three year guarantee, extremely shatterproof glass and if the water level falls below the element, the heater also will switch off for extra safety.

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