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Howdy, First time fish hobby person


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I have got angels, platys, red tailed shrk, tiger barbs, neon tertas, pleco, kuhli and a catfish.

I have recently bought a white fish unsure on name that is heavily pregnant, now her boyfriend is also white with a bit of red on his fin. what do i need to do to make her have these babies, she is extremely large her belly is nearly purple i bought her from the petshop like this.

any help would be much appreciated

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Hi booger

You have come to the right place. Everyone is so helpful especially for those of us who are just learning.

Good luck with your preggy fish. Look forward to future updates on what species the fish is and she goes.

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Welcome booger :D

this is the right place to ask lots of ?'s

ok im guessing its a krib that you have or maybe an albino krib , i could be wrong as Caryl said go to the shop you got it from and ask them.

if its a krib they breed by making a nest, they will move some gravel to how they want it, so dont flatten what they do out, fish move gravel for a reason.

but go and find out what it is first then tell us and I'm sure you will get lots of help with breeding them

once again welcome


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It's a "sore" point with Ira... (Don't ask he he)

Egglayers contain "roe" .. ie.. eggs.. (when they are ready to breed that is).. and these need to be fertilized (in most cases) outside the body.. by the male, so because they don't actually hold and "live" young, they are not classed as pregnant.

Female Livebearers (Guppys, Swords, Platies, Mollies etc) are impregnated by the males at a "very" early stage in their lives, and the young fry develop inside the female and are born alive.

The females of these species are said to be "Gravid"... (or Pregnant) which is the dark area around the vent.

The darker the area, the closer she is to dropping the young.

The other thing with the livebearers is that they only need a single impregnation, but from that can produce two or three broods of young... whereas with the Egglayers this is not possible as in most cases the eggs are fertilized away from the female and no actually impregnation takes place.

HTH :)

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