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I bought a courgette plant seedling for $1 from the garden centre a couple of months ago and have just started to reap the benefits of it. It has been producing some enormous courgettes which I think is due to the chicken manure I added the soil :D .

Here are some photos of the courgette and my bristlenoses enjoying them:








Note that in one of the pics I have an albino female BN together with a GBA. Just like to point out that the tank houses a breeding pair of albino BNs and is also a grow out tank for GBAs and no cross breeding btw the two occur. I will be moving the GBAs to a different tank soon as they are maturing quite quickly.

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are gbas and albino bristle nose different?? cause i thought myne was a gba but it is albino has red eyes ect

Yes, GBAs and albino BNs are different species.

I thought that was a cucumber, not a courgette :-?

No, it is indeed a courgette!

I'm just surprised at how big it has grown :o

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Yup, a courgette is just a type of baby marrow.

If you dont pick them in time, a couple of days later they have actually grown into a marrow :lol:

Not a problem, plecos like marrow too, and there is much more to go around 8)

are gbas and albino bristle nose different?? cause i thought myne was a gba but it is albino has red eyes ect

Yup, it's only albino if it has red eyes, a total lack of pigment. The gold plecos with normal black eyes are called amelanistic. They just lack the dark skin colour, but aren't actually albino.


Has a good write-up and some pics that show the difference.



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Do you notice your clown loaches make an audible clicking noise when freeding on the Courgette ?

I grow my own courgettes too, only way to be sure they are free of pestacides etc.

a tip.

Get yourself some agar (its like a vegetable jello made from seaweed) mash up excess courgette (and I add a few mashed boiled peas and powdered spirulina) and make yourself some flat sheets of courgette jello which you can freeze and feed to your fish over the winter, just break chunks off as required. Much better than freezing the courgette which just go to mush as soon as they thaw in the water.

I have also been getting good results from feeding my BN/GBA and Goldens Kale leaves, Kale is like a cabbage, easy to grow in your garden beside your courgettes, whiptails seem to like it too.

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Do you notice your clown loaches make an audible clicking noise when freeding on the Courgette ?

Yes, they make clicking noises when they feed on the courgette.

a tip.

Get yourself some agar (its like a vegetable jello made from seaweed) mash up excess courgette (and I add a few mashed boiled peas and powdered spirulina) and make yourself some flat sheets of courgette jello which you can freeze and feed to your fish over the winter, just break chunks off as required. Much better than freezing the courgette which just go to mush as soon as they thaw in the water.

Excellent tip - courgettes tend to be a little expensive during winter. I will have a go at making the courgette jello when my plant produces more than I can use to feed the BNs.

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thats a great tip, where do you buy agar from?

I remember my dad getting some agar from the asian grocery store and I think you can get a similar type of thing called gelatine from the supermarket. I read somewhere that agar is preferred as it is made from a seaweed extract - someone correct if I'm wrong.

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yeah agar is made from seaweed and gelatin is made from animal bones, when mixing in agar make sure that the vege mash is boiling and that u pour the agar in slowly whisking at all times or it will just clump up and wont mix in properly. it comes in a small packet that will have "telephone brand" written on it and has a picture of a telephone on it, you can find them in any asian shop

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the info.Did not think about the toxic treatment must be lucky they have had lots straight from the shop.

Have never seen fish that will eat as much as these 2 they just about jump out of the tank when I get out the Cucumber.

I think it must put them off the breeding so far no signs of life in that 1/4, but maybe I would not like a woman who ate lots of Cucumber.

Regards Stanley

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a tip.

Get yourself some agar (its like a vegetable jello made from seaweed) mash up excess courgette (and I add a few mashed boiled peas and powdered spirulina) and make yourself some flat sheets of courgette jello which you can freeze and feed to your fish over the winter, just break chunks off as required. Much better than freezing the courgette which just go to mush as soon as they thaw in the water.

My mum also suggested drying them out (like you do with apple slices, banana etc.) then you wouldn't need - AND its free (well apart from the drier, but still :lol: )

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just tried some kamokamo (my garden is producing lots with the big dry!) and my bristlenoses turned their noses up at it.

Not nearly as popular as cucumber or courgette! Strange when it is almost the same species as courgette.

Ah well, more for me. :lol:

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Gave mine the base of a celery today it slowed them down a bit but they are game to try and finish it.

Lettuce was a flop could not keep it down at the tank bottom, but they

loved it while it was on the bottom.

Regards Stanley

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