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RedHeaded Cichlid Vieja Synspilus

Mrs Frog

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Okay I'll try in here , has anyone kept these fish that can give me some good info about them. I have just brought a breeding pair and they are beautiful!!


Not the best pic, I'll get better lol, but here are the lovely pair...these fish are huge and pretty, I'm amazed :lol: :D:)

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I had a pair of quite large ones a few years back I fed them a good meaty diet, bred them once ,when I moved them to another tank away from the kids the male tore strips of the female while I was at work and she died shortly after .Months later I was reading a book in the lfs, that had them in it that said they required a good proportion of vegetable matter in their diet .I'd do a good search on the net for them so you don't deprive them of the correct diet ,I couldn't help thinking the male wouln't have been so cranky if he'd have had a little less red meat in his diet .

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I had a pair of quite large ones a few years back I fed them a good meaty diet, bred them once ,when I moved them to another tank away from the kids the male tore strips of the female while I was at work and she died shortly after .Months later I was reading a book in the lfs, that had them in it that said they required a good proportion of vegetable matter in their diet .I'd do a good search on the net for them so you don't deprive them of the correct diet ,I couldn't help thinking the male wouln't have been so cranky if he'd have had a little less red meat in his diet .

Hi, what is meant by vegetable matter? :oops: Would that be cucumber, lettuce and such or have I got that totally wrong lol. I am finding it hard to get good info that doesn't conflict with what other internet sites are saying.

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Vege matter would be spirilina cooked peas or lettuce and cucumber as you suggested :)

A varied diet is good for any fish provided they will actually eat it chuck all sorts in the tank, I don't feed red meat at all because its bad for them but shrimp and stuff is all good :)

Cool :), so I can cook peas and chuck them in the tank and they'll eat them?? hopefully. I say peas first because we have heaps of home grown ones lol. Yeah I'm not too keen on red meat in tanks :-? , so I don't think I'll go there.

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Hi there I have a very large male his tank mate died from disease sadly but he has taken to a more juvi female i have and I also have another juvi male.. she too has taken to the large male and i watched her lay her eggs the day before.. all doing well.. I feed them on varied diet flake bloodworms mealworms insects and I have feeder fish also...I rarely feed all my fish on red meat only like once a month

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Hi there I have a very large male his tank mate died from disease sadly but he has taken to a more juvi female i have and I also have another juvi male.. she too has taken to the large male and i watched her lay her eggs the day before.. all doing well.. I feed them on varied diet flake bloodworms mealworms insects and I have feeder fish also...I rarely feed all my fish on red meat only like once a month

Hi Gabe

My two are showing all the signs of spawning behaviour but as yet I haven't seen any eggs. Do they hide them or are they quite open about where they lay them?

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