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What should I choose


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Finally, after months of thinking about it I have finally purchased a 450 litre tank. Now what to put in it - my husband likes discus but not the thought of daily water changes, I thought cichlids but would quite like some plants as well. There is a sump that goes with the tank and cabinet but no pump. I want it to make a statement, be out there in the tank world. Suggestions/ideas/recommendations anyone?

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If you want it to make a statement, then you need something spectacular. A big planted tank, an african tank with heaps of colorful africans (everyone loves electric yellows) or a biotope tank. If it were mine, i'd make it a blackwater biotope. HEAPS of driftwood, sandy substrate and peat filtered water. Fishwise i'd have Uaru and Discus. AWESOME!!!!

OR, fill it full of Demasoni :bounce: :bounce:

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something spectacular like imported highly rare discus with LOTS of plants.

this will lengthen non water changing times. even 2 weeks at a time or 3.

i did a trial, i have a heavily stocked fish, 22 total fish inside my 400 litre 4 foot.

3 weeks no water change, heavily planted, i mean the plants grow so well that i have to keep trimming - water was perfect. discus was growing nicely too and colouration is developing well. and i feed them discus tucker which is mainly beef with bloodworms for the others and pellets.

so water changes are not always needed weekly or bi weekly, and if you develop a system - a 30% WC can take less than 10 mins.

or - i reckon a rocky tank - silver dollars, oscars and pleco. nice to see 4 to 5 silver dollars school and fight for food

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