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how much would you pay for a 1meter fire eel?


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Nah.. they might die of old age tomorrow. :-?

Now I can understand why a young adult fish is worth more than a little baby one, someone has had to keep and feed it for a year or so, and that costs $$.

But if you are looking to keep a fish, buy a healthy young one and look after it. It will grow into a big impressive monster. But spending big $$ on a geriatric pet???

Thats my point of view anyway ;)


Ian - (keeper of large inexpensive fish)

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think about it people pay 100 4 30cm 1's you might get 1k but proboley like 500

stop taking that morphine oscar :D

big fish require big tanks, usually end up a problem for most people

not as many people have big tanks

also require other big fish, as big fish eat little fish, except the vegetarians

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think about it people pay 100 4 30cm 1's you might get 1k but proboley like 500

I paid $50 for an 18"er. 8)

It would also depend on colours, and the luck of the draw. When selling a big fish you can either sell it cheap and quick, or put a high price on it and wait for the perfect buyer to come along.

Also, how can you be so sure the 5' tank is too small? It could be 3' wide. Have you even seen a big fire eel? Mine at 20" was perfectly happy in a 4'x20" tank, they don't need a huge tank because of their shape and flexibility, unlike something bulky like a catfish of equal length. That said, if its a standard 5'x2'x2' then its probably bordering on the small side, and should be upgraded soon, but I guess thats why he's selling...

Bjorn I'd love to see these fish in person, and may even consider buying one depending on price (and I'd need to set up a bigger tank first).

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