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Getting guppies and leopardfish to grow faster.


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I have 25 leopardfish and 8 guppy fry(about 1-1/2 month old-1cm) in a 30Ltank.

I have been feedng microworms,flake,granules,bloodworms and the occasional mossie larvae,but they just arent growing. The tank is kept at 23-25 degrees has a 300lph filter and weekly 20% waterchanges. Anything i can do to make them grow faster?

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Leave a small pilot light going 24/7 and make sure there is food available whenever they want to eat. When I was breeding live bearers I fed them on a mix I made up which was frozen but remained in a lump when thawed out so you could take out the left overs and put fresh stuff in each day. More water changes would help as well --like 50% 3 times a week. Female live bearers wont grow well if gravid at an earky age so they will grow quicker if you keep them virgin till mature. I know nothing about leopard fish.

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would feeding mossie larvae daily help?

Cant hurt anything - it's their natural food.

Another advantage is it's hard to overfeed live food, if you put too many in they just wriggle around untill the fish can eat them. Means the fish have an all you can eat smorgasboard :)



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Livebearers have a very small stomach and need to eat almost continuously all day.

I always leave some plants with algae in there so they have some greens to nibble at in between meals.

To get them to grow fast install one of these brineshrimp hatchers in the tank and they will have continuous fresh live food appearing day and night for them to snack on.

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feed them meat

people always say some fish arevegetarian

i reckon you can train any fish to be a meat eater

pacus peoplesay nd silver dollars are meat eaters, i used to have some that would ravage shrimp and ox heart

feed it shrimp or beef. mince it and feed them. put lot sof plants and change water regularly.

i guarantee if they start eating beef they will grow fast :D

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Yes you can feed meat and food like that and your fish will grow faster, however there has been alot of discussion around about the long term health problems of power feeding your fish all this meat from warm blooded animals (beef heart etc).

The theories go somewhere along the lines of fish are cold blooded animals (temp is regulated by the environment they live in) and cows are warm blooded animals, the problem is supposed to be when you feed fish warm blooded meat they cant process the fat in it and it builds up in their liver eventually giving them liver disease etc, so they grow faster but don't live as long.. Unsure if this has any merit but it sounds like good reasoning to me. Guess it is just like the bloodworm debate.. People have always and probably will always continue to feed both where I wont touch them :)

As for what foods are good, I have seen shrimp recommended as they are both salt water (cant carry anything that will affect our fresh water fish) and cold blooded.

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