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Somethings killin my fish - ideas PLEASE


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:( :-? :cry:

Have another post on here but thought I may start again.....

hope this is ok :D

tank: 215Ltr

ph 7.6

Ammonia & Nitrite 0ppm-(tank has never gone over .50ppm even when cycling it didn't go high - I always did a water change if it showed signs)

Nitrate 0ppm

last fish brought were sucky fish (4?weeks) Please note fish looked ok to me at the time......????

Last plants brought (3?weeks) Plants were not in with fish....

I put them right in tank - NEVER do that again as now know that’s the wrong thing to do.

Nothing else has been put in tank since.... other than water change :)

feed live food and flakes..... (have cut back on how much I feed) :oops:

ok in the last 2 weeks or so?? I have lost:

2x sucky fish the one I brought a few weeks ago

x1 Borneo

x2 zebras

x1 gold Danio (this morning -see pic's)



x1 zebra which I don't think is going to last the nite..

:cry::cry::cry::cry: It's sitting in tank on its own.... signs are side ways swimming (only a Little) hovering a round, didn't look as if it was eating this morning (which is when I put it on it's own) ... now its head down tail up...which is what Gold one did last nite was dead this morning...

These are the only signs I have seen other than some how having in tank thin white worm? (swim in tank - and hatch?? From eggs on glass?? - mainly see around gravel) and in fry tank mainly (think easier to see in that one) green things… (looks a little like a brine shrimp in size?) has legs and a fork like tail that flicks up when annoyed?? (can't get pic doesn't come out)

What the heck is going on ?????

Really don't know how much more I can take of this :cry:

I've done a search on the net.... but can't work out what It could be.....

what ever this is it has also taken out ALL my danio fry in fry tank.... (only thing used between tanks was same plants I bought and had 2 of the sucky in there for a week......they left fry alone and were eating the algae, before I put back in main tank …. not a good idea!?)

ALL buckets, vac (x2 - one for main, one for fry tank) and nets are fully washed out.......after use......

Tonic salt is being added each time I do water change....as well as stress coat, and TLC.

Temp 25....

Does anyone have ideas..???? :cry:

I'm totally out of my depth!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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I'm not too sure either but would just suggest lots of water changes to keep water pristine while you are trying to figure it out... Maybe one of the fish has brought in a parasite or something that has affected some of the others? A bit hard to know how to treat when you don't know what is wrong :-?

Good luck and sorry to hear about your losses :(

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why are you using tonic salt? and how do you have 0ppm nitrate?

Using tonic salt as I think/thought this was to help fight infections (a more "natural" way). And as I don't know what the problem is I thought this was at least something to help my fish............as can't use med's if I don't know what it is...could make the problem worst.

nitrate ..... well I guess that's just becuase of the plants and good air flow though tank..... ???? Since I've been testing tank its always been low - (0ppm )

Was right zebra didn't last the nite...... :(:cry::cry:

At least so far others look ok today so heres hoping ......

ps do water changes every week... and are very carefully watching tank for any signs.... if I do then its take fish out and do another water change to be safe....

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got no ideas really, but seems odd to me that you do weekly waterchanges, yet still have 0 nitrates. are you sure youre doing the test properly?

i do 40-50% waterchange every 2-3 days and my nitrates are never 0.tank is heavily planted as well.

yea I'm sure..... I've checked and rechecked.... follow the instructions to the letter :D

with your tank .... size, how many fish etc etc....

Mine's only has 20 fish now (was 27) and there all under 6cm so not a big load on tank this would have to make a difference.... do have air stone to (some say its an over kill but prefer to have incase).

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maybe there orange danios :lol: :lol:

no I think it went that way with death. :( .....as ones in tank are gold..... honest! 8)

or my computer has changed colour a little... (its playing up....I see everything with a pink look mostly :x )

good news since last post of danio death.... haven't had any more so here's hoping!!!!! :bounce: :bounce:

looks like I can get back to enjoying my fish!

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Well it looks like my troubles aren't fully over .... as I lost another fish :x

I have to admit It's getting very annoying......

:-? :(:o

Still no closer to finding out the cause......

I am thinking of cleaning out the whole tank at Christmas and starting again.....

but then this would mean cycling tank again which I don't think fish could handle after all they have been though.... just really want to get rid of the disease or bugs that are in tank causing the problems....

At least the deaths have slowed down.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did you get the note about those big bug things Liz? They could definatly be the culprit as they looked pretty fiesty

NO not yet ...... will call in there today....

Had another fish die last nite... :cry:

and have a couple this morning that not look to good :x:cry::( :-?

My mates just picked them out of tank and put salt on them to see if we can save them......

ALL I want for CHRISTMAS is well FISH!!

If this doesn't stop soon I'm not going to have any fish left!!!

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:( sorry to hear you are still having troubles. ONe thing you could consider doing is trying formalin to eradicate whatevers causing problems. I haven't tried it myself but have heard that formalin can be effective at curing fish disease when other meds haven't worked. I'm unsure of the dosage and its pretty harsh stuff so you would want to be very careful with it
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Thanks ... yea its REALLY starting to get me down .... almost at the point of not wanting to LOOK at my tank because every time I do theres another dead fish......

Just as I was leaving home yesterday had another starting dieing...... :cry::cry: One of my REALLY nice Long fined Danios........

Went and got Formalin.... put that in tank.... (did it just under the right dose --- just incase to hard on fish) got Lots of air .....too....

had another 3 dead this morning..... :cry::cry::cry::cry:

anybody what a tank.... :cry::( don't know how much more a can stand of this.... )

others look ok..... and one look a bit funny but he then came right so fingers crossed.......

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do a huge water change now or when ever you can clean the filter keep the lights off and see what happens

Do a big water change everytime I find a dead fish..... for safety .... to other fish...

found 2 more dead when I came home tonight........ :x:x:x:cry::cry::cry::cry:

someone remind me WHY I have fish again?.....I thought they were relaxing.... right now there just one BIG headache!

Do love my little fishies just wish that this jolly problem would go away!....

Need to check my levels agian ... but they are always fine... so it can't be that...

well I'm now down to 7 Danios and 2 sucker fish..... look totally silly in a 215Ltr tank..... but I'm NOT buying any more fish!

Not at this stage anyway.....

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:oops: :oops:

Sorry MarkLB I wrote that wrong! :oops: :oops:

No we (well my mate did - took fish out of tank and put in a container with salt)....they ended up dieing anyway ..but it was worth a try.

sorry I'll blame my over sight on staying up late and being annoyed over another dead fish. :roll: :-? And Christmas traffic getting to me.... :o

Good news is last of my fish are looking good so here HOPING!!!!

Had 27 before this all started down to 9.....+1 given to me yesterday as gift from santa.... so that makes 10.... in a 215 Ltr tank :-?

Also my remaining Danios breed so here's hoping the babies will grow nice and strong.

I think I've calmed down from my last post .... sorry guys and girls :oops: I've just re read my post/posts and its a tad bit strong... :oops: :-? just really hard seeing all my lovely fishies dieing off.... and not knowing what to do.... (something I'm NOT use to!) but I'm hoping and praying that this is the last of it.

Also just set up a container with heater, air stone and filter (in main tank cycling at the moment) to use as a quarantine tank for some new fish.

Thank you everyone for your patience & advice to a out of her depth newbie! It has been the only thing keeping me going though all this.....

Cheers Elizabeth

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