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Small containers...The betta's natural habitat?


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Was browsing some pet shops with the boy today and came across an info sheet on Betta... Apparently "They like to live in small containers as this is their natural habitat" :o :lol:

I'm thinking, where in the wild do they find all these containers? Fiance wondered if there is a "Lake Tupperware" somewhere where Betta live and breed.. :lol: :lol:

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They would be referring to the holes that water buffalo make with their hooves when they tred through rice paddies. They are a similar size to a small container and becuase bettas are labyrinth fish, the lack of oxygen and unclean water doesn't worry them. It is not their natural habitat though, only something they can cope with.

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and they aren't the most active of fish in the first place...

Virote would tend to disagree with you there. Virote is my fiance's betta and he DOESN'T STOP MOVING.


He eats like a horse (in a manner of speaking only) and we have not seen him lying on the gravel since pretty much when we first got him from the pet shop. He lives in a 29 litre and it still doesn't seem big enough for him. I doubt he'd be very happy in his "natural habitat." He'd be the one jumping over the dirt to get to a bigger puddle!

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