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Ornate Bichir Tank mates


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Do you know what a search is???

Its common knowlege that pleco's + bichirs is a bad idea.

I must have posted this link hundreds of times here in relation to just about every bichir question. http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... hp?t=65770

That thread contains pretty much everything you need to know about keeping bichirs, and a whole lot more.

You could even answer your own question is you think about it. What is the footprint of a 135g tank? What is the maximum length of an adult black shark (and ornate bichir)?

2 + 2 = ......

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anything that cant be eaten

you really can put anything with bichirs.

they seem to not get attacked and having had a few before and one currently, they dont attack anything,

even tried it out putting minnows with them, they didnt even try to eat.

in the wild supposedly theya re predators, but some would argue they are scavengers and opportunistic hunters, their bodies are not actually fast enough and nimble enough to chase fish and run them down. arowana, oscars, piranha has great maneuverability n the water and if you seen an arowana hunt, they ANTICIPATE where the fish is gonna be and they bite there. bichirs do nto do this, if you starve them, they might, or jsut by chance they might go for a small fish if it swims past its face, but timid things they are. put whate ver you want thats not tiny

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you really can put anything with bichirs.

Not really. Pleco's can cause trouble and its is generally recomended that they are avoided. Aggressive central american cichlids can bully them a bit and out-compete them for food (although there are ways around this.

But yeah, generally 'anything that is obviously too big to be eaten' is a good guideline.

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I currently have an Oscar, Sev, Silver Dollars, a Hemi Syno and some sort of plec (hes maxed out at 30cm) in with my 25cm Senegalus. They all get along fine with the bichir spending his days zooming round the tank looking for something that smells nice to eat :lol: Never seen anyone go for anyone else but i *always* have to hand feed the bichir.

I may be an exception to the rule however and my tank is a 460L so they all have sufficient room to do their own thing

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it really depends, in my tank, i have 3 ornates.

every month, i throw in some feeder fish (gold barbs, danios, guppies)

and once every so often, there will be a fish they dont eat (threw in 8 danios a couple month back, 7 got eaten, 1 survived. and its still alive today, despite numerous feeders have come and went) dunno why tho.

my senegalus is with an oscar, clown knife, pictus, 2 goldbarbs( feeders tat never got eaten ). used to have a pleco and guess what? it sucked on my senegalus so i sold it... same thing happened when i tried tiger whiptails...

a dat and a tyre track is keeping my ornates company, no problems so far... the ornates DID eat the 1st two tyre tracks...

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