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New tank pics, SBD now with up to date pics

Slightly Blue Dalmation

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erm not sure what he has atm, changes round a lot but there are a few big ones left, think it was around 30 for the wood which at the end of the day isnt too bad for treated wood that is less likely to rot plus get far cooler bits.

photo is a lot brighter than the tank actually looks, gunna get lots more plants after probably getting an additional light unit

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  • 5 months later...

um il get the flatmate to take some when he gets hme tomorrow.

as for an update. erm well now i have 2 twin bulb t5's for lighting, added an aquaclear filter.

plants now have more amazon swords, queen swords, ozelot sword a bit of straight val, picking up a tiger lotus at some stage

Fish dozen or so cardinals few BN and some rogue gups and a swordtail

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