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Remove Chlorine & Chloramine from tape water


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The main additive to water is fluoride. The chlorine comes from the cleaning chemicals used in the treatment plants and the chloramine comes from the chlorine reacting with contaminants. Any chlorine or chloramine that is present is in very small residual amounts......

......unless there has been a spillage or exceptional treatment requirement. Generally this doesn't happen very often which means that for most tanks with common fish, chemicals for water treatment are just a good money spinner for the LFS.

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Flouride is added to only some water supplies in NZ. It is added because it is lacking in our water and is necessary in the formation of tooth enamel. Chlorine is added to most water supplies by injection of the gas or as HTH solution which produces 80%chlorine by weight. Chlorine reacts with nitrogen componds in the water to form mono. di or tri chloramines. The more chlorine, the more it is pushed towards the trichloramines. Because Chlorine is a vey strong oxidising agent it reacts with all sorts of compounds in the water. The more contamination there is in the water the greater the chance that some other nasty compounds will be formed. In USA they react ammonia with chlorine to form mono chloramine and add that to the water as a disinfectant. It is not as good a disinfectant as chlorine but does not react to form the nasties. In NZ the Dept of Health requires Cl2 to be used. All chlorinated water supplies contain chloramines. The normal active ingredient in the neutralizers is sodium thiosulphate which neutralizes the chlorine but the other compounds I am not sure of.

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I wouldnt say Water conditioners are a good money spinner for LFS

Chlorine in any amount can be deadly for fish

Yeah most of the time you will get away with it but for the small cost of a good conditioner I dont understand why people take the chance

Here Prime is around $27.30 for 300ml or per 5ml its 45c

So for 45c I can safely detoxify any chlorine Chloramine Heavy metals and ammonia is my 4ft tank

Seeing some of my tanks can house thousands of dollars its seems an easy decision for me


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