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A large peacful fish

Aquarium Dude

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clown loache, tyre track eels

feed the clowns heaps and heaps of meaty food, they will grow really fast! my ones litereally grew 1 m in a couple of weeks,scary, but they jsut keep eating:D

youc an put silver aro, they are.......................friendly...enough:P put a muzzle on them:D

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A big pleco would be fine with your small fish, but it might accidently do a number on your plants. They have all the grace of an out of control bulldozer, and a similar effect on any delicate plants. :roll:

Smaller ones like Bristlenose would be great though, not really BIG fish, but compared to a neon they are huge :)

Otherwise some smaller loachs like zebras might be OK?

Bala sharks are big and peacefull, but they get REALLY big, might swallow a few neons when they get big. :o



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