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If fish can break the "rules" why can't we??


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I have a 2 x 1 x 1 foot tank. It is not heavily planted, just has a few scraps of indian and java fern here and there and a few floating bits too. It has a chunk of wood in there and gravel and UGF. There are 2 young whiptail catfish a discus and 7 siamese fighters in there. 3 males and 4 females, yes 3 males, possibly 4 but i can never make up my mind about the ratio.

They are some of the fattest healthiest bettas i think i have ever had and have perfect fins. There is no actual fighting at all in the tank. A bit of flaring every now and then but never anything dramatic or worth getting worried about. the fighters are a mix of a few siblings who have been moved and seperated in the past and a store bought fish too, so they haven't all been raised together. The tank has been set up for a couple of months now and never any problems.

I just love telling fish people about this tank as we all know it goes against everything we are told about male fighters.

The really really cool thing is i found 4 1cm betta fry in the tank the other day. :bounce:

The lesson i hope everyone who reads this learns is that anything is possible and there is always an exception to every rule!!

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I have also had mass males (around 300) together until about 4 mths old.

The majority of the time they were fine but some days I came home to just a body part in the tank. As Billaney says if you keep them together they are better and I image that if there is adequate hidey places in a tank a couple wouldn't be too bad until ...

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