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My red bellied pacu has noticable ich. I have since removed him from my 75 gallon tank to a smaller 20 gallon tank.. he is alone.. I have raised the temp gradually and added salt.. 1st 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons today I increased it another 1tablespoon per 5 gallons. I am using sea salt. I did however go to the pet store and purchase Wardleys ick out sensative. I am not sure how I should treat the tank he came out of , which houses 2 Oscars, a clown knife a small red devil and pleco. i also have 4 other tanks that i have been using the same nets and siphon in... what should I do to maintain the health of the other fish... Should I even use these drops? I am hearing horror stories...

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White Spot or 'Ich' is a protozoan parasite that attaches itself to fish. It is present in water everywhere, and will be in almost all freshwater tanks. The parasite goes through several stages over about 10-15 days (temperature dependant), including a free-swimming stage that can rapidly infect other fish.

What it looks like:


The visible stage of Whitespot looks like grains of salt stuck to the outside of the fish. It can appear anywhere on the fish but often attaches to fins and gill plates.

What causes it:

White Spot is invariably caused by poor water conditions in combination with stress - it is a sign the the fish's immune system is failing, allowing the parasite to take hold. As certain stages of the parasite cannot live in water above 28 degrees, it should be less of a problem in a Discus tank as the water should be already be that warm.

What to do:

As it is often caused by poor water, test the aquarium water to determine if filters etc are operating correctly. Do a large waterchange. Raise the temperature to 30 degrees, but make sure that there is adequate water motion to maintain good oxygen levels in the water (as the temperature of water rises, it holds less and less oxygen) - often you will need to add an airstone.

There are several White Spot remedies available, most of which are organo-toxins that work by killing the free-swimming stage of the parasite. As Whitespot eggs can hatch out over a long period of time, most treatments take at least a week in order to break the lifecycle of the parasite - follow the instructions on the product and DO NOT OVERDOSE.

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okay thanks back to the pet store i go for furan2. I am accumulating a pet store of my own here.. And I check the pH regularly, as well as NH levels..I do regular water changes... my tanks are all over filtered except for 1 that is kind of exact. what can i do to avoid this problem that I am not already doing. Marlon being sick is really bothering me.. that's my buddy...

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haha good stuff. Was just worried you'd done a cut and paste job, but obviously mistaken.

Back on topic, if its only affecting the one fish, try to do the treatment in a seperate tank where-ever possible. If it is genuinely white spot (ich) (which it sounds like it isnt) then you'd need to treat the main aquarium and all your fish will likely have it or develop it quickly.

If you want to upload a photo, you need to use a site like photobucket.com etc, then paste the link to it here.

Being in the US you'll have a larger range of medications available than us in NZ.

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I removed the pacu as I said earlier.. 20 gallon alone High temps.. and salt. the fuzzy part on his side has fallen off since my 1st posting hours ago.. but the white patch is still there.. (minus the fuzz).. Spidersweb ..."If it is genuinely white spot (ich) (which it sounds like it isnt)". What do you think it is? is the treatment for Ich and "fungal infection" different?

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my ornate had pretty much what u described there...

white fuzzy things on its side

as far as i know, its an infection caused by my whiptails latching onto its side.... ive since then removed the whiptails (into the oscar tank 8) 8) )

but yeah, the fuzz falls off, then the rest of the white stuff slowly disappears... just kept the water clean and i ddnt use any med...

but then again ornates are very hardy, i know nothing about pacus except they get MASSIVE

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