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new tank


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Set it up as a planted community tank. That lets you pick and choose from a huge variety of fish that you can try out, even have a couple of 'Hero' fish in there. You can always specialise down the track. A species tank wont give you quite the flexibilty. Whatever you choose its always fun shopping for new fish.

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lol ill have demasoni and yellows soon if you wanted some :) I just sold some demasoni to evil :)

This is a pic of my dominant male demasoni im sure you know what electric yellows look like, people always ask if my tank is marine mainly due to the bright colours of the demasoni and yellows.


The reason I suggested those if you were going for africans is the size of your tank you can do 12 demasoni (recommended min number) and 6 yellows and maybe a couple of peacocks in your tank and it would be wicked, or else of course you could go down the discus, dwarf cichlid or even some of the smaller sth americans.. It depends what colours and that you want :)

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Based in Bulls.. But sell the fish small so they can be shipped cheaply.. I sent 18 demasoni to evil for $20 shipping.. Brought some of those huge ass aqua one bags so just put them all in that in one box so much easier and haven't lost any yet, even managed to send 60 yellows in one 5kg box :)

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do your research first so you dont end up with fish that dont mix well

ryans mix is a great mix of fish

they look awesome and breed like rabits

but mixing some species is just asking for trouble

then theres the hassle of loosing fish taking them back to lfs or selling them on

ive just had to sell a few fish that didnt mix well cos my tank was over run by big grumpy psudos terrorising the reat of my fish


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Doch I have sent you a PM..

Good advice Chris, although your tank may seem big there are many african species that would dominate anything you stick in it, unless of course you stick a couple of huge filters on it and chuck a heap of fish in it and although ive done that it doesn't really work long term..

Best to ask for advice before buying any fish and do your research, someone just won an auction for bristlenoses from me on trademe and wanted to stick them in a pond.. lol Always pays to do a quick google or ask on here before buying.

Demasoni and yellow's were my first though because they are both suitable for the smaller tank :) And you could get away with a trio of peacocks in there (watch for the haps they tend to get bigger and more aggressive).

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I think its the way you should go :) But its not my tank! lol Its upto you..

As I said 12 is the min demasoni's you should go.. For the peacocks your probably best to stick with one type and get 5-6 of them so that when they grow up and breed they will be pure.... And a hald full of yellows.

How big is your tank (measurements) and what sort of filtration is there? That limits the amount of smaller fish you can keep..

I will take some pics later for you, its too bright in my kitchen where my main display tank is and the light keeps reflecting off the tank and all you can see is glare, lol went in there to take a pic and watched another demasoni breed :roll: got 4 females holding and 12 free swimming babies at the moment..

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Heres some pics they are pretty crapy don't usually tank whole tank shots they don't seem to work out, I don't have the patience tonight to get any better ones lol, and my stand is ruined so yeah not too flash at the moment, I've been buying up rimu to make a new one so yeah when I find the time..





If you want to know what any fish are just ask I don't have a stocking list for this tank theres too many fish in it and I keep forgetting half of them when I try and list it..

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those fish look great :lol: the sizes of my tank are 120 x 45 x 50 cm my sump is about 60 litres under the main tank a wet dry i think they call it filters from the over flow outlet in the bottom of the tank down over filter wool then over bio balls

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