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My water remains cloudy, can you help please?


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I have had my 225L tank set up for a few weeks now. I have 30-40mm Dalton's aquatic mix under 30-40mm fine sand as the media. The plants are healthy. The fish don't appear to stir up the sand at all. However my water isn't clear, it has a slightly milky look. I would like it to be crystal. What would you suggest I do?

I am running an AquaOne CF-1200 canister filter which I have been regularly rinsing out the sponges to make sure they weren't clogged up. I also have a pouch of Seachem Purigen and activated carbon to reduce disolved organics from the water.

It is a constant cloudiness, not like a bacterial bloom. I havn't had this problem in any of my other tanks. So I figured it is a side effect of the aquatic mix. Should I run an additional filter on the tank for a while? If so what type?

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I would try a few water changes as well. Also with a new tank they often go cloudy for a few weeks until things settle down.

I wouldn't do anything drastic yet, the tank is still very new. Just do regular water changes and see if it gets better.



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may be not a nuff bacteria in the tank to clear the water .

if it was me i whould leve the filter a lone.to built up a nuff bacteria in it.

also add some filter wool to your filter as this is finer.i run two exturnals

on my five foot tank one filter gets clean ever six months.so they do a 12 month cycle.

i do 25%water change a week.

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Thanks. I clean the filter every week, rinsing the sponges, emptying the canister and refilling with aquarium water.

It has 3 trays in the filter, #1 tray 2/3 bioballs, 1/3 ceramic noodles + coarse sponge, #2 tray all CN filled to top + medium sponge, #3 tray 3layers filter floss + carbon.

I feed froz bloodworms, froz daphnia, shrimp pellets, fresh vege in a cycle rotation. I don't over feed (if anything I under feed), and don't leave vege more than 12 hrs.

I rinsed and cleaned the sand entirely in 20L bucket before putting it in my tank. The sand was totally debris/sediment/silt free.

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Thanks. I clean the filter every week, rinsing the sponges, emptying the canister and refilling with aquarium water.

It has 3 trays in the filter, #1 tray 2/3 bioballs, 1/3 ceramic noodles + coarse sponge, #2 tray all CN filled to top + medium sponge, #3 tray 3layers filter floss + carbon

I dont touch my filters for months on end, as you can disturb the bacteria if you clean to much and to often

Also after iv cleaned them my tank goes cloudy for a short period

When i mean clean, i just mean a light rinse of the fine medias

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also most people wash there filters out with the hose which kill most of the bacteria in there filters.it all rigth to if you got two filters on your tank

but if you got one i whould suggest that you clean you fillter with your tank water as this will not kill the bacteria in your filter sponges as much..

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Sounds like classic new tank syndrome.

This is where there are not enuff bacteria to control wastes etc in water so you get a micro algae bloom in the water....I think :lol:

only clean your filters when flow starts to reduce or otherwise every couple of months

do 1 water change of about 10-15% a week depending on stock levels

You may have a bit of stuff coming of teh daltons but in my experience that soon reduces and is usually a scum on top of water that if left will settle quickly



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Sounds like classic new tank syndrome.

This is where there are not enuff bacteria to control wastes etc in water so you get a micro algae bloom in the water....I think :lol:

only clean your filters when flow starts to reduce or otherwise every couple of months

do 1 water change of about 10-15% a week depending on stock levels

You may have a bit of stuff coming of teh daltons but in my experience that soon reduces and is usually a scum on top of water that if left will settle quickly



Uummmmmm....what? If I had a micro-algae bloom would that not colour the water greenish/brownish?

If my bacterial filter is on the light side, wouldn't waste build up too quickly if I was only doing 10% PWC per week?

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haha some communication problems in this thread :)

I had problems with this when I used the aquatic mix too. What I did (that worked) in the end was use a thin layer (say 10-20mm), then a good 50-60mm of gravel (washed). Didn't have problems after that.

Just leaving it will work too because those smaller waterborne particles that are in the water will eventually get syphoned out over time.

If you have a spare filter fill it with cotton wool. The type you get in pillows ;) when wet its very dense and if your problem is sand/aquatic mix this will become full of crud quickly (give it a day or two then check).

If this doesn't fill with crud it'll be a bacterial problem. But it sounds like you know what that looks like, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one.

The purigen you have should polish the water, just need to get the big stuff out first.

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I had similar problem when I set up my tank with a aqua one cf1000. Pretty sure the problem was I did'nt wash the ceramic noodle's good enough? Allthough my water STILL is'nt as clear as I'd like it, but I think that's due to my sand substrate and JBL aqua basis still settling down??

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