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What is the rule of thumb for the number of fish in a tank?


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Ok, I have a 90 ltr tank. I was wondering how I work out how many fish I can have in there (hoping I dont have too many). And does it matter what size they are? Giving the fact that some fish do grow to be quite big, but taking that into consideration some examples would be great. On my way to pick up my girls from school, but will come back and check once I get home. Thanks in advance.

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A difficult question as there are many variables. Some suggest 2.5cm of fish to each 25cm of water surface area but ten 2.5cm fish will produce a LOT less waste than one 25cm fish! Plus a tall narrow fish can house less than a short but wide tank with the same capacity.

Someone with good filtration and who does regular water changes will be able to stock a few more fish than someone with basic filtration and poor tank maintenance.

I am never sure how to answer this as I have always gone by whether the tank looks full, which isn't very helpful. :roll:

Always better to understock though so if something goes wrong you have more time to correct it.

The Tropical Tank site suggests the following


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Hi there,

If you're new to keeping fish this can be a bit of a trick question :)

When your tank is brand new and has only just been set up you should only have a couple of fish in there to start off! Please post back if this is a new setup and tell us how many fish (and what types/sizes) are in there already

You need to know about cycling (ammonia/nitrite/nitrate) if you don't already. Adding too many fish straight off in a brand new tank can result in them dying.

If this is a well established tank then just ignore me completely :)

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Thanks for that. It is an established tank now. I have all my testing stuff for the ph, nitrates and all the other things. I have small fish in there at the moment. 5 platies, 5 Killifish, 4 Lemon Tetras, 3 tiny Harlequin somethings (I think thats the name), and a baby BN. I purchased these fish becasue I liked the look of the little ones. If I would be able to have a slightly bigger fish in there (If I have not already overcrowded it :-? ) what would you suggest? A nice friendly tank mate. I do weekly water changes. Due to problems with the little internal filter unit the tank came with, I now run a Aqua One CF-1000. My tank has never been clearer or more healthy looking.

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I wouldn't go with Angels, not with the small tetras anyway. Some individuals are fine.. other see them as food, not friends.

Your tank doesn't seem overcrowded yet, and you have good filtration so I would think you have room for something else. You can actually keep small tetras etc in quite high numbers, maybe 1 per 2 litres of water? Their actual body mass and waste output is pretty small compared to bigger fish.

The real limit is how the filters can process the fishes wastes and how often you need to change the water to get rid of the resulting Nitrate. As you now have a good canister filter that shouldn't be a worry. Oxygen and physical space to swim come into it as well, but I dont think you are near having a problem there.

If in doubt get a master test kit and monitor the tank between water changes and keep a good eye on the fish. That will give you a good guide as to any problems starting to develop.

Suggestions - get some more bottom dwellers.

Small loaches - Dwarf or Zebra loaches are cool. Get a few of them as they are very social and will be out foraging for food and playing a lot more if you have 4 or so of them. Avoid Skunk loaches as they a fin nippers and Clowns as they will eventually grow too big

Cory catfish - same as the small loaches. Get a small group and you will see them more.

Both of those will get on fine with your little Pleco and the other fish.

You could probably get a few more of the same tetras too, they are happier and look much better is a small school (10+)



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I've heard that skunk loaches have a bit of a rep as nippers and on the odd occasion taking out eyeballs!

I've added 4 (around 5-6cm) recently to deal to a rampant snail population (and the loaches are winning the war!!) and they've been fine - there are 7 corys and 4 small (3-4cm) BN cruising around in addition to some tetras and danios above.

Seems they play more amongst themselves and haven't troubled the others (yet!). Maybe when there are fewer in the tank they are more inclined to chase other fish?

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Hannahbell I know how you feel with the whole fish to tank thing!...

for the life of me I can't work it out!!!!!!!!!! whats worse is I work with measurements every day as a job.... :oops: :oops:

If its ok to ask.... for a 215Ltr tank .....fish how many???? I'm totally thick when it comes to this!!! I have a 20 assorted Danios.. tank planted still fairly new so can't get anything else for a while but what could I do???

oh other prob I have is tanks not heated.... so far its 23...24 on its own....

Hannahbell have you got pics? would love to see tank...

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If its ok to ask.... for a 215Ltr tank .....fish how many????

Like David R says, a water test kit will tell you when you are getting close to the limit. If you start getting traces of ammonia or nitrite in your water, then you have too many fish for your filters. If the Nitrate rises too much between water changes, then you have too many fish for the tank size, or need to do more water changes.

A 200l+ Tank is a decent size, 20 danios is just a starter for that. :wink:

What fish do you like?

You can carry on with the small fish and get LOTS of them. But look at getting fish that live on each level of the tank. Danios live mid water, thats cool, but what about the top and bottom of the tank. You can get some guppys or platys that like the top part of the tank. Small plecos (bristlenose), smaller loaches or Cory cats are good for the bottom level of the tank.

You can go with some bigger fish in that size tank, but many of the bigger fish will get too agressive to live with smaller danios.

The BIG thing to watch is how BIG the fish you are getting actually grows. Lots of very nice (and cheap) fish that turn into tank busters :o

Those nice shiny little Bala sharks and cute little plecos grow to 30cm eventually :o

I say this with a 20cm Pleco looking at me through the glass with a hungry look on it's face :-?



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What fish do you like? You can carry on with the small fish and get LOTS of them. But look at getting fish that live on each level of the tank. Danios live mid water, thats cool, but what about the top and bottom of the tank. You can get some guppys or platys that like the top part of the tank. Small plecos (bristlenose), smaller loaches or Cory cats are good for the bottom level of the tank.

Thanks Ianab... to be honest I'm really not sure.... :oops: :oops: :lol: anything thats REALLY hardly I think is best :oops: :( :-? :lol:

would like a sucker of some sort for the bottom...type??... like the look of guppys!

I'm still getting use to names of fish so half the time I don't know what they look like or what they best suit.... :oops: :-?

only other thing is, I don't use a heater so water....would be to cold for most anyway?


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I don't use a heater so water....would be to cold for most anyway?

I suggest you get a heater next. The temp in your tank is fine at the moment for Danios, but is it going to stay that way for ever?

Danios are pretty hardy and will handle cooler water, but many tropicals wont. A heater will be cheap insurance, and only cost the price of a couple of nice fish.

Guppys will be fine in your tank, get more females than males though. The males pester the fems all the time, so if there are more females they get a break :wink:

Bristlenose Plecos are the best option, they only grow small, 10cm or so, so they wont outgrow your tank. The other 'common' ones we get here all grow to 30cm or more.

Lots of options, just do your research and make sure the fish are compatible, not a snack. :o



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Lots of smaller, shoaling fish zipping about the plants with a variety of colours

Caryl you're got in bang on! :lol: :bounce: :lol:

like the sound of that!!!! I LOVE my danios...think there the coolest little fish....even have some of mine eating out of my hand.....

small is good...lots of colour......ok I'm off to go do some lite reading :lol: and get some stress coat for my water change I need to do :lol:


The temp in your tank is fine at the moment for Danios, but is it going to stay that way for ever?

Well so far it is ... just gets a little hotter mid day..... then back to 22..23 over night.... got a warm room...


Guppys will be fine in your tank, get more females than males though. The males pester the fems all the time, so if there are more females they get a break
what temp do they need??

ok I'll leave you all in peace for a few hours now.... :lol:

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Guppys will handle about 19-29c. I think 25 is their ideal, but they will do fine at 22. At lower temps they grow slower but actually live longer.

If your home is centrally heated and never drops below 20C then maybe you dont need a heater. But it would be horrible to come home on a freezing cold day next winter and find 1/2 your fish dead :(

When you start buying $20-$50+ fish, and start getting attached to them, the heater seems a small cost ;)



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Well I just went & brought a heater...... set at 26 ... is this ok....

About right, but check the actual temp that it keeps the tank at, the dials on the heaters aren't very accurate. Might be correct, but it could also be a couple of deg either way.


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