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Tips on sexing Fancy Plecs


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Probably stating the obvious, but according to the experts at Planet Catfish, when flashs (L204's) grow to a mature size (around 9-10 cm - same for Iquitos but they seem to do it at a much smaller size), the males start to grow odontodes (small clear, thin spikes off each scale) on the back half of their bodies. If they have these they are definitely male.

If I've got my sexing right on the smaller flashs: the females will have a more slender profile when looking at them side on (especially through the head area) than the males. The males will look chunkier through the head area (slightly broader when looking down on them and slightly higher through the back portion of the head when looking side on. Odontodes (clear spikes) are usually visible through the tail area in maturing males but you may have to catch them and look hard at them in good light to see them.

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