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fish shops in chch


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Organism is a must.

I've had no experience shipping fish , so people can correct me if necessary but I think a 5 hour trip should be OK. People ship fish from one end of the country to the other and imported fish are in transit for who knows how long. See if you can get one of those small polystyrene boxes or a small chilly bin to reduce heat loss. Even wrapping the fish bag in a towel would help.

Tell the LFS that the fish are in for a journey and ask for a larger than normal bag, or bags :lol: to maximise the water / fish ratio.

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You should just list the main shops and let the person judge for themselves which are good or not. No point in only going to one or two when you might find what you want at one of the others :wink:

No worries re travelling as we regularly travel with fish (and the budgie :lol: ) for similar distances with no problem. Make sure they are aware the fish will be bagged for that length of time so they don't put too many per bag. Take a poly box with you and all will be sweet.

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I just read what Janelle said about corys and clown loaches. I have corys with clown loaches is this a problem.

I was told no by someone... They had other fish in the same tank so it may not have been the clown loaches. Sorry if I've worried you for no reason. someone else may be able to enlighten us both.

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