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Mud Fish Video


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funny that

i just wrote to the authority incharge of these fish

and asked them if we could breed them in captivity, because there is no way of enlarging the habitat of these fish and its only amatter of time before they die out

if they do it, tht would be neat, and breed them in captivity

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I have actually been asked by some people I know at Massey University to breed some brown mudfish :D

Am in the process of setting up the tank. Pictures are here: http://picasaweb.google.com/nznativefish/Mudfish

Have got more wood in there now, need to take more photos.

No fish yet, but the traps have recently arrived and hopefully we will go fishing soon. Tis very exciting!

They are very hard to breed in captivity, there has been a number of attempts. I do suspect that one problem is it is all scientists trying to do it, not fishie people with breeding experience so they get massive mortality rates. I think I can get the environment suitable for them and a friend has a lot of experience with raising fry, so hopefully it will happen.

I am writing a book on keeping natives in aquariums but am leaving out mudfish and various others because they are less common/rare. Personally I would discourage people from taking them for aquaria, I certainly wouldn't be having them if it wasn't for this project.

While it is good learning how to breed them in captivity, the most important thing is saving their habitats. If they have decent sized habitats then they will be fine, it is people murdering wetlands that is endangering them.

It is so good to see this event on the news - I can't believe the number of people who asked if I saw it!

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Hi Wilson.

Apparently mudfish are good in the aquarium. Because they live in such difficult conditions they are fairly hardy. Thing is many of their habitats are so fragile now and the populations are all in gradual decline it would just be wrong to encourage people to take them as private pets.

I am writing about the five bully species and the three commonest whitebait fish: inanga, koaro and banded kokopu. Also crayfish and a few notes on things like eels, shimp, mussels etc.

The book is coming along really well. 24000 words and it really just at the stage of being edited over and over and getting others to read it too. Still a while off being printed, but getting there!

Very exciting :bounce:

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Canon A710 IS

Usually with the flash off otherwise I get photos of blurry tails...

Sigh, I *used* to have a wonderful photo of a bully encircled by a reflection of the lens-surround with the name of the camera on it, but my hard drive died on sunday and I hadn't backed it up :sob:

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Hi Stella

Also can you include me on that list please?

I have a couple of friends up north that have a program called white bait connection they travel to schools teaching kids about our natives and how to look after their Environments Rivers and wetlands

Also they have been working with farmers getting them to fence off rivers from stock to help rivers return to how they should be

Should you be interested I can pm you name and contact number

Might be able to add to the book

Good on you for caring about our natives and the environment


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Ooh I am getting a nice little list in no time! Tt is still a way off yet, but those on the list will definitely be emailed when it comes out. Hopefully within a year at the latest, preferably sooner.

Cichfanatic: That program sounds really good, I had a quick look at the link. I will look over it more later, but it could be something to add to the useful websites section. Thanks.

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