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They are nice :D They don't look like the hansbaenschi I had a while back, my ones shoulder didn't carry right up through to the head like yours are showing, maybe just a different marking? I don't recall my ones having as much markings in the finnage either, and mine were alot darker blue.. and the shoulder was rather orangey red, mind you, could be the camera that is showing them up different to how they look to the eye also, could be a matter of shading.

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Yes all the females do have have the same markings none of them have split baring or different shaped heads or eyes or anything, 2 females are holding now, they are very nice fish, he is one of my fav's the bottom pic is pretty old the top 2 are more recent. There is alot of colouring in the fins of the male which I didn't think was a red shoulder trait either, but could be a variant or a spin off?

Or could be something different like a maleri? Thats why I put the pics up there, they're such nice fish would be a shame to kill off all the babies but if they're hybrids wont have any other option.

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My Hans.B have dark blue bodies with the dark red shoulder. blue head and fins. All my females are dark brown with blue spots on fins.

Ryan, are the fish the same colour as the photos or darker.?

Most hans.B females ive seen on the net are dark in colour not silver.

They are nice fish. Good body shape. :)

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Females are darker with faint egg spots.

The colour in the fins of the male and colour going into the head is what leads me away from red shoulder also.

Just wonder if anyone has any idea what they are as they are a nice fish and would hate them to be jullie food :)

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the colours of the girls reminded me of those"yellow peacocks" i had,do you remember them ryan?,but the colours just didn't look right to me.i picked maleri cross also.the females i had "left home",and the boys to a male only tank :D still a nice fish in their own right.

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Nyassa!!!--Ha. Hey mate glad to hear about the arrival of 'Pretty lil Paige'.

They are nice- but not sure about Hansbaenschi.

I think you ended up with a red shoulder of mine a while back- the one that ended up 'old white eye", and even though I've seen lighter ones the amount of yellow/Orange going into head and cheeks doesn't seem right, but as already mentioned the consistency of females is a favourable sign to discount Hybrids. comes down to how well do you trust the supplier I guess. look pretty clean in the fin patterning too -Aulononcara Stuartgrandi ?

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Cheers for that.. Were having a lot of fun with the new addition and the prettypaige trademe account actually has some meaning now..

Yeah like I said im pretty unconvinced they're hybrids.. Just trying to decide what they actually might be, the guy I got them off is a top guy but doesn't really know africans and got the breeders off trademe.

Really dont want to have to feed the fry out and donate the females to the local guy breeding oscars for oscar food and they are nice fish so hmm just got to decide what to do!

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Well D day is approaching ive got to decide to keep the babies or not! lol So what would you do?? The 3 females are identical and the 2 holding ones are the same colour shape size etc.. I'm unsure I don't want to breed any hybrids but then again I'm not sure these guys are hybrids and I don't want to kill them if they aren't..

I sold the whole first spawn of these guys to a local friend off here and he has said to me that 4 of them are colouring up identical to my male and the others have no colour...

Heres a new pic if it helps


Cheers for any advice or observations..

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Yeah id agree with the def not red shoulder I realized that when he had colour in his fins and into his head..

Could almost be this.. http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/s ... hp?id=1408 bearing in mind he's still young.. I really hate id'ing fish and trying to match them up with photo's especially when there is such variation in colours of fish as they mature and with different breeding etc..

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shal i take a photo of th babies i got off you ryan

the colour isnt strong but their young and get prettier every week i do have one that seems to have a little yellow but could just be a reflection off the gravel and those marble slabs i have in my tank cos at some parts of the tank his colour is different i dont beleive that their hybrids but am second guessing on red shoulder

at first i thaught they were jakes but their fin length and head shape leads me away from that

the females look like hansbanschi to me (from what ive seen on the net)

but from not seeing them in the flesh before my oppinion doesnt realy have the credibility of all these other ppl who have kept them

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Just don't do anything hasty yet Ryan, there might be light at the end of the tunnel :D Would hate for you to do something straight away 8)

That pic from the cichlidforum of the maleri species is vey similar to your pic... my male from the maleri shipment was a dead ringer of that pic... but of course being that no variant was given on arrival, go with the usual Aulonocara sp. maleri 8) he was in my display tank, not sure if you ever saw him?? So there could be a possibility your male came from the same shipment?

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I grew mine out from babies.. This is the 2 females first spawnings..

I think this male originated from the same shipment as the one your talking about? I have a pair of them that I grew out too the females due to be stripped this weekend too.. Actually very similar to the pic of the fish I'm talking about..


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