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plants & pictures


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not sure if its been done but it would be helpful if we had a thread with pictures of plants & what they are called, not all of use are very good at knowing whats what & the lfs aren't always very helpful, you just end up buying what looks nice & have no idea what it is. if anyone has some nice pictures we could start a plant library :D

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snapped a few quick pics (sorry some of them are blurry) of some of my plants. some are too hard to get a good photograph off because of their position


Java Fern


Java Fern Windelov


Narrow Leaf Java Fern


Java moss (not very clear)


Congo Fern


Green tiger lotus (only a very small one)


Red tiger lotus (also fairly small and lacking colour because its been travelling to me for the last 3 days :D )







Hygrophillia Polysperma


Rotala Macranda - Not healthy ATM, should be a rich red


Hairgrass :oops:


Ill try to get some better pics tomorrow, and get pics of my other plants

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Good pics. I think one of the problems for people is that when buying plant from the shops it is generally grown emersed and they look quite different to the same plant grown submersed. In most of the shops round here if you ask for the identity of a plant you are told the price and that is all they know.

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If you go to the home page here and look to the far right you'll see a list that has things like articles and stuff in it.. there's a plant survey which is quiate a good starting point. It has drawings rather than pictures though but it's extremely informative and gives you temp and pH ranges etc. (Although when I tried the link in the wee hours yesterday it wasn't working)

There are a couple of really good links that were posted here recently too:


http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/foru ... antfinder/

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