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Who is breeding what killie?


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I was just wondering who out there is breeding what. Could be useful for people looking for fish/eggs etc

The killies i have breeding at the moment are:

Albino Gardneri

Australe Golds

Gardneri Blues (P82's)


I also have some nothobranchius eggersi which i have just flooded today, another bag ready for flooding in a month. If all goes well i will have them aswell.

Id love to get hold of a pair/trio of SJO's/King Killies at some stage

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White's Cyno is a beautiful large South America annual you are lucky to have them.

I used to breed the normal colour form years ago, good luck with them Stereotaxic.

I do be leave the albino form of Nematolebias Whitei has been in AUS for decades, somebody must be doing a great job of keeping them going.

I'm breeding

Fundulopanchax scheeli

" sjoestedti

Nothobranchius eggersi

I hatched out 1/2 a bag of eggersi peat Monday night and have a good hatch that I'll be transferring into a tank today.

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They can, if feed properly Barrie.

I've frequently got Notho's to breeding/saleable size in 6 weeks.

But if you select a male or 3 when @ 4 weeks old and have live food in front of their face 24/7 they can be full grown in only 8-10weeks, the problem is getting HEEPS and HEEPS of live food.

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