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tHEcONCH's Red Sea Max


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Guest Anonymous

1.5L Coke Bottle :)

Container + Salt Water + Brine Shrimp Eggs + Air Hose + Light = BBS :)

I usually just grow em in a jar. For BBS it's best to feed them to your fish within 4hrs of hatching while they still have the yolk sac attached. Otherwise they have the nutritional value of candy-floss. The alternative is to grow them up and gutload them with something nutritious prior to feeding them to your fish.

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Fish-Unit: Not the mandarin police, but just reminding some people that we have to be responsible for the fish we keep. It's cruel to keep a fish in an environment where there is no chance for its survival.

I agree and I'm happy for any advice that will help me keep the mandarin (or the rest of the tank, for that matter) happy. I feed the sun corals an hour after 'lights out' and there are squillions of little creatures running around then :D

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unless you can train him to eat pellets etc.. My lawnmower is always watching me waiting for when i will open the lid and bring forth the bounty of pellets. He sits on the powerhead near the feeding spot, as soon as i open the lid he sticks his eyes and mouth out of the water in anticipation.. so cute.

Not sure about hair algae, haven't had it... yet, he seems to eat the red/brown slime that occurs on the glass and rocks

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where did you buy him from conch? i haven't seen much around in the way of angels lately, i was thinking about getting one to try and help with the aiptasia but wondered how it would go with the mandarin in terms of competition for food. Does anyone know if flame angels eat aiptasia or any other species?

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