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tHEcONCH's Red Sea Max


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I think it depends where in CHC you are. I know when we were pumping our own water when we lived kind of rural (out airport way), we had to get another pump put in. At that time we got a TDS reading and from Dads memory it was 0 or very very low

Theres always going to be arguements between people who use it and people who dont use it. I've also seen tanks run on tapwater which look outstanding, but the more I research, the more I see, that if you want absolute pristine conditions, then RO/DI is the easy option. I'm not saying it isn't possible with tap water, but there would be far more work involved.

At the moment, i'm happy with the Tap Water until I can afford an RO unit

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Well I don't see it as an argument, more a group venture to gain knowledge, a positive thing. IE - can Chch tap water be used straight?

It is possible to run a good tank even with Auckland tap water, depending on how much money you want to spend keeping the tank clean by other means. You could run mega phosphate resin for mega dollars, but an RODI will cost less in the long run. It's a trade off.

At the moment the discussion is still a little vague but when Jolliolli has got the test results we will know with more certainty. I didn't want to start any aggro more just there are a lot of new people setting up in Chch & be good to have correct, fact based info for them.

BTW Jolliolli, if it's hard to organise the tests, drop me a pm with your address & I'll send you down a TDS meter to borrow for a while. A few tests can be best, many factors come in even things like wether it just rained. So a few tests spread over some time, and some locations, will give most reliable info.

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Testing the water is going to show high TDS as tested before in CHCH.

Ro or di water has a tds of zero, no town water supply or even rain water is going to be zero as they all are going to contain some sort of trace elements and nutrients.

One of the articles above states not to use pure water alone in the aquarium as it contains none of the minerals that fish require and has no ability to stabilise pH

That would be for fresh water tanks not saltwater as the saltmix containes all the minerals and most salt mix is designed to use with RO or Di.

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This is a great discussion! I spoke to my friend last night, she didn't think they had a TDS meter in her department but will check for me on Monday so i'll find out then. If not then i'll get touch with you wasp and let the testing begin!

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Eerrr..... looks like I've joined this discussion a bit late! As you guys probably know I don't use RO/DI water in my RSM, but I feed heavily so as a percentage of total nutrient/waste input the content of my tap water is probably insignificant - that said, if I were going to concentrate on SPS I'd probably invest in RO/DI. I'm keen to see the test results!

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Awww they're cute...

Are the Ultra blues?

Just be careful if you are going to leave them on the substrate, the nasty bristle worms will be very interested in invading them through the byssal organ if the don't attach.

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