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Insurance Issue - Need to rent temp tank and move existing!


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We have had a major accident with our carpet and the insurance company has by the sounds of things aggreed to replace the carpet.

The problem my tank!

The tank has been setup for 2 years, hold approx 300 Litres and contains 8 large discus, 6 large angels, 20-30 neons and a large Pleco.

There is also quite a lot of established plants.

Now what am I to do?

Should I hit the Insurance company up to help out with the movement of my tank?

I really need to rent a second tank I suppose to hold my fish + plants + Filter Eco System.

Does anyone rent tanks short term? in Christchurch

Should I have to pay for the rental or the Insurance?

I assume I could build up a new tank, bring up to temp, and hopefully use my existing filter to keep the biological filter system going.

My fish are large, not small do I do not want to introduce an amonia problem.

I have space in another part of the house for another tank.

Any thoughts, and ideas are welcome.



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Hi there, Sorry to hear about your probs.

I had an aquaone 980 that began leaking on Friday night last week. I managed to borrow a basic four foot from a local pet shop which was very lucky.

Everything from my display tank was systematically moved, filter, substrate, majority of water, plants, drift wood and the fish.

Technically nothing has changed as they have everything from their original tank with them, I have upped the water changes and slowed the feeding, just to be sure though. I have Blue Rams who are known for being fussy about water conditions and they are fine and my kribs have spawned in their temp home (typical).

Just try to get the cycled substrate and the filter going in the new/hired tank and you shouldn't have to worry about ammonia.

Good Luck with it all and keep us posted.

p.s my plants weren't particularly happy about the move but most of the established plants are fine just the younger weaker ones have suffered.

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i might be able to lend you a tank

what size tank would you need?

Hi cichlid7

My 300L with plants is sort of looking small these days.

My tank is a corner tank - Aqua One 880 - 300L

I assume I would need something similar sized - I assume I would also need around 1 month for the transitition, maybe bring up the new tank for 2 weeks, carpet gets done, 2 weeks for the original tank to come back to life again - maybe neons by themselves to start with.

Do you have something like this?

I feel sort of strange asking but I really appreciate your kind gesture.


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My guess is from my own experience that insurance will cover tank and carpet but anything else you will have to fight very hard to achieve and even if you succeed it will take time, so be frugall just in case.

The carpet problem is not related to the tank, but to a carpet we bought from Morocco and is about 30 feet from the tank, but it is an open space with the same carpet and basically it is the same room.


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i haven't got a 300l tank but i have got a spear 550l tank it has alot of scratches on it but it is a fish tank 5ft x 2ft x 2ft. probabaly to big.

i wont be useing it until my new fish room is done. that will take atleast a month or 2.

it is an acrylic tank so it is light and has a home made stand. not the flashest but it works.

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i haven't got a 300l tank but i have got a spear 550l tank it has alot of scratches on it but it is a fish tank 5ft x 2ft x 2ft. probabaly to big.

i wont be useing it until my new fish room is done. that will take atleast a month or 2.

it is an acrylic tank so it is light and has a home made stand. not the flashest but it works.


I have to check with the Carpet People + the Insurance and see what I can actually get and not get.

at this point they have not been out - so they may not be happy with replacing heaps of carpet.

I will PM you tomorrow after I have spoken to the people involved but I really do appreciate the offer and I think I could accomodate your tank.

Looks are not important - I am only after keeping my fish alive - you grow very attached, especially the large fish, especially Discus



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how big is the room with the fish tank? if its not too big then it will only take a couple of hours max to lay the carpet, maybe you could use a large storage container to hold your fish, and run your filter and heater in the container while its being done then set the tank back up.

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What about your bathtub? :) Can you set your tank up somewhere else until they're done? It's just like all the thread for people moving house really isn't it?

You could try sweetwater aquatics who can board your fish overnight if you need them to http://www.sweetwateraquatics.co.nz/our ... rding.html.

They also rent out display tanks so might be able to work something out for you.

We know about them through the previous owner of our rental place. She used to have them service her pond! (Maybe the guy's a member on the forum? Website says he was previously the Assistant Curator of Kelly Tarltons.

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