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Hi all,

I just found this forum and decided to sign on.

A little history about myself:

Ive had fish in my home since I was old enough to remember.

when I was about 14 was when I REALLY got interested in a big way.

The innocent hospital tank/breeder tank fever blew out of proportion and I was experimenting with a variety of species and interesting "tank setups".

During this phase I lived out in Mombasa (Kenya) East Africa.

Being in the tropics one of the greatest advantages was no need for temperature control and natural tap water was perfect for average conditions. Soon tubs/pails/buckets/plastic storage bins/water tanks and fish tanks lined my bed room and outhouse to an extent my family had to intervene and curb the growth :lol: .

Being in a developing country, the fish itself were very very cheap ( I managed to source and make friends with 2 major exporters who would provide me with wholesale rates ), equipment on the other hand was a nightmare to obtain. power filters and the likes retail at exorbidant rates, forcing hobbyists like me to adapt. we designed our own filters. primarily there were air pump driven and were cheap to build. A compressor could effectively be used to pump about 200 - 250 air lines making it more economical.

I passed through the goldfish/livebearer/angel fish/cichlid phase and was soon stuck on marines.

I started scuba diving at 12 and since all my diving was done of pristine,picturesque coral reefs teeming with critters and life, I saw no reason to bring a bit into my own home.

Marine fish are NOT popular in the least with the locals since nearly none of them were ever able to succesfully keep them alive due to lack of equipment/dedication.

There are major exporters though who quite rake in the $$ with exports of marine livestock.

I realized the only way to setup a marine tank would be to supplement filtration (or rather lack off) with water changes.

Thus the new journey began.

I collected sand myself from about 3 feet deep water while snorkelling .

Soon as I built on my "free diving skills" I managed to collect my own live rock. There are no rules against collecting livestock from the "marine reserve" as long as scuba wasnt utilized. This was about 100 m from my back yard.

Live rock was collected in a similair manner. oh btw even meter longer morays can get rather aggresive when confronted by a free diver clutching 2 hand fulls of about 5 - 7 kg of live rock :-? .

Well after much adventure I had a "marine tank" running... dimensions : 4ftx1.5x.15.

Filtration :sponge filter,air pump driven corner filter, 2 powerheads.

25% water change every 2nd day.

Thus the marine setups grew to a point where I was growing some very freaky back muscles from doing water changes using jerry cans down to the sea every day !

Connections I made with local fishermen and marine exporters soon had me doing part time jobs with them and setting up fish tanks/maintanance as a part time job.

A pond soon followed.. about 10 ft in diameter which was dedicated to Tilapia, Koi, guppies , platies and plecos.

well that seems to be a pretty long rant abt myslef!

Back to the future..

Ive been in Nz for under 2 years now and finally got a wee lil 10 gallon tank with just 2 tetras for seasoning in it. Unfortunately being a student at uni means im $$ restricted and dont see myself getting more tanks.

Then again I havent seen many cold water marine tank setups with native species ?

Ive been blowing all my money getting more serious with my technical diving.

Hopefully I can start of with some interesting fish and get to meet some just as interesting folk on here :)



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Welcome to NZ Varun, and to the FNZAS Forum.

You have not got where you are living or your age.

Just being nosy.

There are clubs dotted around NZ that I'm sure would make you very welcome if you wish to avail yourself of them.

The "Salties" on this forum seem very dedicated bunch as you'll no doubt find out.


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Hi Varun and welcome. Sounds like you had an almost ideal set-up going in Mombasa. You must find the species here severely limiting.

There is a marine reef club just starting up in Auckland so check out the saltwater section.

I used to have a cold water marine myself but could not afford a cooler to keep the temperature low enough. Various experiments with cooling were not successful. Perhaps I need to move to Dunedin or Invercargill :wink:

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HI all,

first up thanks for the warm welcomes.

I should apologize for my delay in responses as my internet was down.

herefishiefishie : not sure if you meant do I have tropical Marines here in Auckland ? if so, no. I meant I had them back in Kenya.

Species diversification here is definitely limited but still intersting !

On a side note, Im aware it is illegal to own Koi here and Ive seen documentaries of ponds/lakes being medicated to rid the populations.

I frequently dive in Lake Pupuke on the North Shore and theres an absolutely gorgeous Koi family living there :D . Im guessing theres no way I can find adopt them legally :wink: ?

Alisha Im intersted in hearing about your seahorse setup..theyre one lot I have no personal experience with.

Alan, Im not sure I got your comment about the age factor.. been a long day and Im thinking impaired at this hour 8)

Lastly could an admin help me out as to why I dont seem to be getting email notifications when a chosen topic is replied to :-? ?

Once again cheers guys for the warm welcomes :)


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Hi Varven,

If you go to your profile.. (top of the page).. then look in your profile about halfway down there is an area that says ..

"Always Notify Me Of Replies"

Tick yes in this box and you will recieve mail.

Now you don't want mail arriving for "EVERY" post that is made, so when you make a post and are about to click the "submit" button, tick (or un-tick) the "Notify Me" box.

This way you only get notified about the topics you are following.

Hope that helps.

Great to see you here BTW :)

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Just be aware of the $5,000 fine for possessing a live Koi (Freshwater fish regulations 1983) or the $100,000 fine for releasing, spreading, selling or breeding unwanted organisms - includes koi (Biosecurity Act 1993). :o

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It also says that perch, rainbow trout etc are a menace to our native bully etc.........WHY are they not being hunted down and eradicated??? How come they are not on the banned species lists.............is it because those in power use them for 'sport"? Yeppers I am upset that fish are treated like this, even though I understand the reasoning behind it all.

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Yes eradicating them is understandable but the method is not right !

A while ago I saw a documentary in which this lady who works for M.A.F was sitting in a tiny boat in a lake down ( further down south i think ) and she caught koi in nets.. and proceeded to examine them and drive a knife through their head and dump them in a bucket !

That was rather crass !

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