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Karlos' Imaginary Aquarium


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Hi all

After several months lurking in the background and cruising for information on the forum I have finally registered, so I thought I would introduce myself.

I am a kiwi living in the Netherlands and I've been interested in starting an aquarium for several years. Unfortunately because I travel a lot for work and my wife has absolutely NO interest in aquariums it would not have been fair to rely on her to look after the fish while I was away.

So I have had to put my plans on the back burner for a while. :(

Luckily we will be heading home again at the end of the year so I can finally have a go! :bounce:

In the mean time I have lots of time to plan but can't actually do anything until we get back. :-?

So Karlos' imaginary aquarium has been born!

The good thing about this is its totally free, I can change anything in an instant and I have no problems with water quality, disease, algae etc. :)

Of course its ultimately unsatisfying and I can’t wait to start a real tank. OK here goes…

Tank: Heavily planted 260L Juwel vision (L121, W46, H61 Bow front) community tank. Using Denerle Pressurized CO2 system and tank run at 25-26 DegC, 6-7 ph and KH 10 approx

Substrate: Daltons aquatic mix or fluorite with a dark sand top layer.

Lighting: Not sure on this. Vision standard is 2* 54W T5s. With reflectors to increase light but I think I need more for the plants.

Filtration: Vision standard is an in tank filter but considering external canister

Fish change daily! but are usually:


2* Blue Rams

2*Angels (Eats Tetras?) or 2*Gouramis (Pearl or Dwarf)

6*Zebra Danios (Cyclers)

6* Rasbora Espei and 6* Rummy Nosed Tetras or 10* Cardinal Tetras

4* Bristle Nose

4* Corys or 6* Ottos

possibly 6* Khuli Loaches

I realize that this is ambitious for a first tank but I figure if you don’t try you never can achieve it so why muck around. Any comments/suggestions/corrections will be very gratefully received. Sorry for the long post.


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I know you can't set up till you return but you might like to check out the prices on some of the "equipment" before you return in case you can source it cheaper on that side of the world. :roll:

oh and of course welcome to the forums.

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Thanks for the welcome!

Afrikan You are right I really can't wait to start the tank. Reading and planning this is becoming quite an obsession (although an enjoyable one!).

Jim I really am thinking of dropping the angels because of their culinary tendencies for fish and plants. Also I heard that the rams and Pearl Gouramis are a little timid so I think that the angels may not be a good move.

Peanut good point. Actually I have looked at the prices for a Juwel Vision 260 and I think that it is about 2/3 of the price compared to back home!

The only issue I have is getting a glass aquarium half way round the world in one piece!! :o Also I guess if I emptied a CO2 system it would be OK to bring back home. Hope the global warming activists don't find out where I live!! :lol:


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Thanks for the welcome Wilson.

Bluetom your fish list looks alot like my ideal! just a MUCH bigger tank :P

I guess you take your chances with angels and neons plus more timid fish. I still really like the Angels... but maybe not at the start. On the weekend I spent some time being a fish tourist in a great shop in the Hague! and I have a whole new list of fish. Oh boy... :o

Lemon tetras, black phanthoms, Hasmania Maginata (nana), Gold spot Gouramis... Great fun. Not to mention all the Chiclids!

My problem is I want it all at once. Must restrain myself to just a few species :roll: Hehe

Have a good day


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Good grief!

I'm not sure how I will slip any more tanks into the house!:)

Actually I've been showing my wife some to the fantastic tanks on the aquatic gardeners site and I've managed to get the tank moved from a bedroom into the lounge so theres hope yet!


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