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What Catfish do you keep?


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Hi everyone,

I was just wondering what cafish the people of this site keep. At the moment I keep 10 species.

These are,

1x Polka-dot synodontis (synodontis anglicus, 13cm)

1x Feather Fin syno (synodontis eupterus, 14cm)

1x Syno species? (I think it a hybred, Zebrinus Syno?, 6cm)

1x Jaguar Cat (lisomadoras oncinus, 8cm)

4x Glass Cats

2x Port Hoplo Cats (both 15cm)

1x Allagator Twig Cat ( Farlowella henrique)

1x Butterfly pleco (zonancistrus pulcher)

5x Bristle-nosed Pleco

4x Pygme Cory

Cheers, CatBrat.

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2 banjo catfish 7cm and 9cm

2 bumblebee catfish 5cm

2 Hoplos 7cm and 10cm............and 6 juvis 4cm

12 corys

4 ottos 3cm

3 BN's 2x4cm and 1x9cm

4 Upside-down synos 3-5cm

2 bronze corys 5cm

1 emerald cory 5cm(damn killer zipper loach :evil: )

4 Corydoras trilineatus 3cm

4 Corydoras melanistius 4cm

and next on the catfish list: 8 Corydoras arcuatus and 5 emerald corys

and $70 where I am for S. angelicus

How can u aussie's get ur catfish needs filled with prices like that?

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Wow! $475 each

The anglicus are around $85 up here.


If you don't mind, how much did you pay for the cuckoos? And how many do you have.

Anyway, the next cats on my list are a gold nuggut pleco (L081) or a para pleco (L075),mayby both if I can afford them.

Cheers, CatBrat.

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They retail for between(cuckoos)for $30 to $50 each, 3 to 5 cm. I got 7 for $150 at 4 cm, a while ago.

Bit cheapier for me as a work at a l.f.s, though I have a couple of good sources in Brisibane, they get rarier stuff in, connections with importers & breeders.

as for the angelicus,I'm going to aska good friend what he can get em for. I will let u know.

Peppermints retail for about $50 to $60 each,3 to 4 cm, once again I got mine for $30 each.(breeder)

U can See why cichlids are more popular, ah. I got some very nice red melons discus for $60 each. (straight from supplier)

Frenchy. :D

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The catfish I currently have are:

2 Clown pleco (Panaque maccus)

5 Bristlenose (Ancistrus lineolatus)

~60 Whiptails cats, 3 adults, the rest juveniles (Rineloricaria sp. - possibly eigenmanni)

3 Twig cats (Farlowella acus)

2 Alligator twig cats (Farlowella henreqei)

14 Brazilian butterfly plecs, 2 adult, the rest juveniles (Zonancistrus pulcher)

6 Rubber-lipped pleoos 1 adult, 5 juveniles (Chaetostoma cf. thomsoni)

10 Spotted clown plecos 2 adults, 8 juveniles (Peckoltia brevis)

5 Columbian plecos (Loricaria sp 'Columbia')

1 Royal whiptail (Sturiosoma panamense)

5 Skunk Cory (Corydoras arcuatus)

5 Diagonal stripe cory (Corydoras melini)

20 Pygmy Cory (Corydoras pygmeaus)

12 Dwarf cory (Corydoras hastatus)

3 Nanus cory (Corydoras nanus)

4 Napo cory (Corydoras napoensis)

3 Axelrod's cory (Corydoras axelrodi)

5 Schwartz cory (Corydoras schwartzi)

4 Tailspot cory (Corydoras caudimaculatus)

5 Elegant cory (Corydoras elegans)

5 spotted cory (Corydoras melanistius)

5 Flagtail cory (Corydoras robineae)

6 Sterbai cory (Corydoras sterbai)

5 Three-lined cory (Corydoras trilineatus)

5 Netted cory (Corydoras sodalis)

4 porthole cats (Dianema longibarbis)

4 Flagtailed cats (Dianema urostriata)

2 Clay Hoplos (Hoplosternum littorale)

2 spotted talking cats (Agamyxis pectinifrons)

4 Chocolate stripe cats (Platydoras costatus)

1 Asian bumblebee cat? (Leiocassis siamensis)

3 Pearl mystus (Mystus armatus)

2 Featherfin synos (Synodontis eupterus)

5 Upside down cats (Synodontis nigriventris)

3 White finned synos? (Synodontis cf. caudavittatus)

3 Vermiculated synos (Synodontis schoutedeni)

1 Decorated syno (Synodontis decorus)

3 South american bumblebee cats (Microglanis iheringi)

1 Pictus cat (Pimelodus pictus)

1 or 2 moth cats (Hara hara)

6 Glass cats (Kryptopterus minor)

5 Striped glass cats (Kyrptopterus macrocephalus)

The catfish currently on my wish list (apart from numerous expensive plecos that I don't have the space for) are the Bearded Cory (Corydoras barbatus) and Borneo glass cats (Ompok eugeneiatus).

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The ones that I've successfully bred (ie got them to a reasonable size) so far are:

Pygmy cory

Sterbai cory

Whiptail cat (Rineloricaria cf eigenmanni)

Spotted clown pleco

Brazilian butterfly pleco


Royal whiptail (though only had a few survive to a reasonable size)

I've had spawnings and fry (but not surviving to a good size) of Twig cat and Rubberlipped pleco (the juveniles I now have are from a guy in upperhutt who bred them).

The ones I'm trying to get to do something at the moment are the 2 types of twig cats. There is also a half-hearted attempt at a couple of types of cory and the smaller clown plecos.

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Hey CatBrat,

a few questions about your possible hybrid syno: does it have sort of scribbled white stripes on a dark background, did it cost around the $10-20 mark.

The reason I ask is that your 'zebrinus' makes me think of that colour pattern also the 6cm size means it could be a juvenile - young feather fin synos have this colouring, and when they come in they're in this cheaper price range.

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Hi Rob,

That sounds like a great collection :D .

I know what you mean about the patterning of the young feather fins, but they seem a lot more 'squggly' than the patterning of my one. Although it was sold to me as Feather Fin for $38.95. The strange thing is that there was also another tank with fish labled as a feather fin syno's but for $39.95 :-? . These other ones had the normal colour of young feather fins.

My one looks more like the pictures of the 'Zebrinus Syno' on Planet Catfish in the Cat-e-log. www.planetcatfish.com. I will try to post a pic soon.

Cheers, CatBrat.

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I tend to think that the Brazilians are more carnivore (like zebra plecs) than algae eater. What I consider as the common clown pleco are the small Panaque maccus type (which have stripes), the spotted clown plecs grow larger (about 15cm) and I've only seen for sale once (took me sodding ages to track down a female).

Yes I'm prepared to sell some whiptails, but I'm not sure about getting them to Nelson. Probably look at $10 each or 2 for $15 - they're not sexable at their current size - ideally I'd prefer people to pick them up.

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