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Male To Female Ratio


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How many female BN can I have with my male, the female isn't spawning so would like to give him some options. 2-foot tank

How many female Blue Rams can I have with my male? The current female has a growth by the front of her dorsal which I've cut off/open and treated with heaps of things but still there and she's not spawning. 3-foot tank

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I have a couple of female bristlenoses with my male and they all seem to breed with him as he always seems to have a batch of egg's..

As for the rams they are pair forming, so if your 2 aren't a pair already maybe add some more females but once a pair is formed they will beat up any other females so unless you have a big tank they may get injured..

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'The current female has a growth by the front of her dorsal which I've cut off/open and treated with heaps of things but still there and she's not spawning'

Why are you cutting things off your fish or am i reading that wrong :lol:

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The female Ram has a growth just to one side of the front of the dorsal. I've treated this with allsorts and hasn't gone even taken her out and apply direct.

It's like a pimple and raised about 2mm, I gave it a flick with a blade and it empty out and treated with Furan but still came back. Some one on here had a post about the same kind of things but between the eyes and it died. She still has the growth and seems 100% bossing the male around and it’s now been over a month since I treated so just going to see what happens. I'm not cutting into her.

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