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What to feed freshly hatched Baby Killies?


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My Fundulopanchax gardneri Nigerianus and my Aphyosemion striatum both have fry. :bounce:

I hatched the eggs in a trap in the parents tank and have them now transferred to a little tank of their own with lots of plants and some micro live food. However even the smallest sieved daphnia seem to big for them. What CAN they eat?? :o

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Microworms, bbs or decap bbs, if you don't have any you may like to get some.

They will eat powdered flake. You crush the flake between your finger tips wet it so it sinks then feed, you only need to feed just the tinyest pinch or maybe even less then that.

Fry do feed better to begin with if their food hops or riggels that's why bbs or microworms are preferred.

I find that fry are large enough to eat baby water fleas after a week or two when feed bbs, with the exception of a few species.

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Must admit that the tip you gave me (Stuart) on putting some Daphnia in the tanks with the fry is great.

Quite funny to watch the fry attacking the Daphnia that is far too big to eat but they are great live food dispensers

Thats probably the reason Ive almost used up all my Daphnia, I grab a scoop and end up feeding it to the other adults as well.

I need to be more strict

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Thanks for the ideas, maybe I should get some of these decap brineshrimps for them. Are they actually smaller than baby daphnias?

They do have all sorts of micro livefood in there including daphnia, but I wondered if even the baby daphnia might be too big for the baby killies.

Unfortunately my micro worms (that I bought off TM) only lasted about 2 weeks then I couldn't resurrect them. Cooked them nice fresh food etc but they just didn't multiply any more and died out. Very strange I thought.

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I was growing the micros as I used to hundreds of times: cook some "porridge" out of rolled oats and water - let cool and add yeast and micro starter culture.

Repeat every week to 10 days to keep it going. Has always worked so far. Just when everything died while I was in hospital and then couldn't walk for so long I didn't have any.

So now I am a bit better and thought I get some fishies going again and bought some Mocros from TM and they grew like mushrooms the first time round, but never when I "refreshed" them into the next lot. They just seemed to die all off. Nothing on the walls any more. Very strange.

Have now also ordered some decap brinshrimps and some more eggs to hatch some. Can use the toy that's been sitting gathering dust - the hatch'n'feeder - for the first time. However the tank is quite small and with all the plants in there I wonder if I fit the toy in there. Will see!

Thanks for all the advice. Must ask Stuart though if he ever found out which killies I have ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was growing the micros as I used to hundreds of times: cook some "porridge" out of rolled oats and water - let cool and add yeast and micro starter culture.

Repeat every week to 10 days to keep it going. Has always worked so far. Just when everything died while I was in hospital and then couldn't walk for so long I didn't have any.

So now I am a bit better and thought I get some fishies going again and bought some Mocros from TM and they grew like mushrooms the first time round, but never when I "refreshed" them into the next lot. They just seemed to die all off. Nothing on the walls any more. Very strange.

Regarding microworms, I have a culture I got from TM four months ago. I've split the culture three times already, but the last time I did I couldn't be bothered mixing up a new culture and left them sitting in a 1L yoghurt container in my lounge. I thought they would eventually die and stink! But I opened it up just last night after two months of neglect and they are still alive and wriggling, even though they were quickly trying to crawl out the sides after I tilted the container for a couple of hours which indicates the culture is more than sour, and it didn't smell biohazardous like I expected it would.

Maybe it's the insane amount of marmite I added to the instant mashed potato mix? :P

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I rough up the sides of a 2 litre icecream container with fine sandpaper. Put porridge and a tablespoon of sugar in a coffee grinder, add a little water and cook in the microwave into a very thick goo. Spread over the bottom of the container with a wet spoon, sprinkle yeast and add microworm from previous culture and in a few days they are all over the place. Lasts a couple of months and I have 4 on the go always.

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