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Jacob Male


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i have to say when i first saw the pic i to thought beanschi but now im not to sure.when these fish are imported are they all from the same batches?,from my understanding they are farmed.do you think that it would be possiable for the supplier to have several batches of jacobs of different variants in different tanks and come time to make the order for whoever it is that buys for good ole nz,wants say 150 that they make up the batch from several tanks. just a thought i had cause with the difference in this lot they just don't look right to me.i also got some from the recent shipment which i recieved the same week as africans lot and yet the banding and colour of mine is closer to callums than africans but that is not to say africans arent jacobs,there are too many variants to be sure but seen as we dont get variants here we have to make do with what we get.it is a bad thing that we have no variants here. do the importers/exporters say a jake is a jake no matter where in the lake their ancesters come from.maybe we should talk to the importers see if they can shed any light

sorry guys for the longwinded reply for this i apoligise


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Hey don't be sorry Glenn, those were very good points to make... I often wonder about exporters and making up orders... however, the male I have is definately not Baenschi, I have Baenschi, totally different, and different patterning in finnage etc, and colouring, my boy is more mustard/orange/brown (pretty stunning actually, colouring I haven't seen before).. with very dark purple/blue banding through the body, so hard to get a fish looking exactly as the eye sees it in a photo, well at least camera of our quality :-? :lol:

Maybe your LFS could order in some more for you callum, they are still on the list... could you possibly get some pics of your male and females that you already have, without camera flash at some stage, really keen to see your batch 8)

I will ask hubby to ring the supplier tomorrow and ask about these "jacobs" that came in.. possibly they got sent more than one lot.. will have some confirmation tomorrow hopefully.

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Ummm Dan that's exactly how my male started before he developed his maturing colouration. My ones top fin also had a thick band of white but has thinned down with finnage colour travelling higher (if that makes sense) same with tail. And yeah photos definately don't show what is seen by the human eye huh.

My Baenschi male is exactly like yours too, but more intense colouration due to being the dominant boy of the tank.

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Mine is exactly as Dans also but a heap more intense in colour, his is how mine was before he really matured in colouration, his colour is really vivid and intense. We can't state what they are in species due to the fact that they came in as no given variant, just Jacobs. There are rather a few variants of Jacobs and even then a certain given variant shows different colourations on sites I have seen. So the newly imported Jacobs are unknown.

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