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You all know the Year Book is supposed to be out with the August Aquarium World. Well, I doubt it will be this year because, AS USUAL, most of your club officers have not pulled their fingers out and sent the club details to me or the capitations and membership lists (plus YB levy) to Jane.


We don't ask for much. This happens every year and we have to beg to get the information. Do any of you have any idea how long, and hard, a task it is to collate, check, and format the YB??

I will have even more to do this year as membership cards will be attached to individual YBs since too many complain their club secretaries do not pass on the cards when they are sent out to clubs.

The only clubs to have sent their stuff to Jane so far are KMAC, MAC, NZKA, UHAS and SAWS.

If you belong to any of the other clubs not listed (and there are 11 others) please contact your club officers ASAP and ask why they have not sent the information. I think I will merely print that information which arrives and the rest will be left blank, with an explanation as to why. We will save a lot of moey as the YB will be a lot thinner. :evil:

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Name and shame them Caryl.

That's better than saying these are the only ones that have paid.

I personally think that the Presidents of the clubs are to blame for not whipping the others along.

It is no use saying "Yay!! Look at me!! I'm the Presient of the club and I don't have to really do anything!!!"

Bad mistake.

If they don't do anything, nor does the rest of the crew.

So come on you Presidents, get off your collective chuffs and give Caryl and Jane a fair go.

She has a hard enough job without the clubs making it harder.

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Can't name and shame as clubs have had AGMs and are supposed to have sent updated details to me by now, so I don't know who is to blame. :roll:

I received club heading details from CAPS, DAPS, HBAS, KMAC, MAC, NZKA, SAAWGS, UHAS and WAS

Still waiting for AFA, NSAS, WAPS, WAWGS, WBPAPS. Tasman haven't had their AGM yet so have no information as yet and TAPS have gone into recess.

If some other club members can help out with the heading details, at least, it would be appreciated. Then ring your club officials and ask them why they have not done their job.

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FYI, it has taken me 4 hours to update just 4 club member lists - and one of them only has 3 members! This should give you some idea what a long and tedious job it is.

It is at times like this I wonder why I am a volunteer :-? :roll:

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The details are sent in Excel but the information is transferred into Publisher. From there the font, size and kerning are all changed to fit the new format. The various bits then get colour coded to make it easier to read :roll:

Not only do I copy and paste a lot of it (but some gets retyped as it is actually quicker), but I also have to check the details. For instance, one club list has 4 incorrect details - that I noticed. No idea how many I haven't noticed! I have to double check spellings, addresses, numbers etc etc and hope all clubs have remembered to add the postcodes. The 4 I have so far have done so. :bow:

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