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Neon Tetra weird Colouration?


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I should of said in the original post what i was talking about. You may not be able to see it that great in the photos but the 4 with weird colouring have black patches below there dorsal fin and before their tail and above their red stripe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to hear your fish died Dixon :(

What are the symptoms of Neon tetra disease? I've heard about it but know squat about it. Could this be the problem? Have any other developed the black patches?

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I did a quick google search on neon tetra disease.

I woulnd't rule it out. Apparently it starts with pale patches when the tissue starts to die.. then the fish gets lumpy as cysts develop inside it.

Does that sound possible? If so it's contagious and can affect fish other than neons.

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Neon tetra disease (plistophoria) usually starts with the red line fading out. One of my books says it can be cured with 2 drops of formaldehyde/gallon. I think this only masks the symptoms for a while and is used by some importers to hold the symptoms off until they can be sold. I can't see any fading of the red line so it may be something else. I would destroy them and put it down to experience, in case it spreads to something else.

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  • 3 months later...

I destroyed these fish about 2 weeks after my last post on this topic. I have since been given 8 neons and 2 of there lines faded almost completly so i isolated them and they died.( ithink they died of lack of oxygen cos the tank was 29degrees and they were in a small container. I think one more neons red is starting to fade. What should i do now? It is a 70L tank and In the tank i have some BN, hoplos, corys, kuhlis, dwarf loaches, glowlight tetras, black widows, head and tail light tetras, blue rams and some others. and all the other fish appear very healthy. Any ideas? I have no idea what to do.

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i have stopped now. I am trying to set up the new tank next weekend because it still needs to be painted. and i will try get some bio-noodled from someone to kickstart the cycle in my fluval 404. as i dont want to use media from my interanl incase this is a disease.

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