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tank sizes for breeding killies?


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Could anyone help me out.

I have owned killies for just over a month now and since day 1 i have been hooked on them and fasinated (cant spell) with their colors, behaviour etc as im sure most/all of you can relate to.

I want to start breeding as im very interested in the killies and want to learn more. Since i am renting i cant build a fish room, and i dont think the landlord would be too happy with me using a wardrobe for breeding fish however i have a few ideas on how to make some sort of device to store a couple of tanks in and keep them heated etc - will post up pics and journal once i get started.

Could anyone recomend a minimum tank size for breeding killies, i dont want to be overcrowding tanks, and for the time being will only be having 1 or 2 breeding trios per tank of the species: australe golds, australe chocs, striatum, nothobranchious Korthause yellows ......For the time being. Will be no doubt get into more species as time goes by :D

Thanks in advance


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okay thats great, i should be able to fit quite a few tanks in the "storage device" ,im thinking along the lines of a modified book case with polystyrene lining for the back, sides, top and bottom and attaching some sort of cupboard doors to the front with glass to keep heat in and also allow natural light in. With some of those lights attached to a thermostat like you have.

Still in early planning stages though, will draw up some sort of a diagram once i put a bit more thought into it

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must admit that after seeing what the others are doing over the last few days, Im thinking that some tanks Im building at the moment may well be cut down in size.

Im building some 500l x 300 deep by 250 high and will possibly put the whole lot into twin tanks or maybe even devide some into 3

That will give me 42 tanks for Killis

I think I need another stand :oops:

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besides my 2 community tanks i have got 3 tanks (at the moment) all around the 450x250x250 size, these tanks seem sufficent size for raising fry. I am buying 2 more heaters on thursday which will mean i have 3 tanks all ready to go specifically for killis....to start with :D

Im also looking at getting started on my killi tank storage cupboard that i mentioned building earlier. Have got no idea what to call it yet but im working on it. I will post some drawings once i get some drafts drawn up and see if anyone has any ideas for improvements.

1 tank has guppies in it at the moment and will be ready for killis in the weekend (thanks heaps alan for the guppies) lost 8 notho korthauses due to suspected poisoning in the tank/stones i got from a friend. After a good clean with salt seems to be fine now, the guppies have been fine for 4 days now.

I also get results back in a day or 2 for the accounting paper i finished 2 weeks ago at polytech. That counts as a good enough reason to buy more killis :D

Thanks everybody for the advice and offers to lend me equipment. This site has helped me out so much

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Sure feel free to pop round any time, i havnt got much to start with, wel not compared to some, but gotta start somewhere i guess. Am slowly working on acquiring more tanks/fish etc.

Im working on a design for a killi storage cabinet right now, will post up pic as soon as it is done

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