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I am a naughty naughty girl...


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And no, not in *that* way lol.

Check out my new aquisition :wink: So much for waiting until I am not moving around at the end of every year to get a big tank lmao :oops:

Empty this morning


And filled tonight (even tho I rinsed the propagating sand, tis still a bit murky). Planning to do a layer of dark gravel still. Heater is also going hard to get the temp up from 12 degrees haha.


Tank is 180 litre by the way. Oh so many choices of what fish to put into it now!! Any must haves? Ideas? Advice? Can you tell I'm excited... :lol:


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Set up? No idea yet. All I know is I want plants, driftwood and fish :lol: Already have a big java fern on the driftwood in my current tank, which is gonna look small when put in the big tank, couple of bristlenose, danios...

Have vague ideas of which plants, what kind of look I like etc but no layout or anything yet. Just wanted to get tank up and running to start the cycle. Need to do some more reading on DIY CO2 as well.

Hence I am open to both plant and fish type suggestions 8)

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Thanks for the tips. For undergravel fertilization, do you mean like those fertilizer balls? I skipped the daltons aquatic mix, as it would be too messy if I needed to shift the tank. Have just got propagating sand in there at the moment.

And I would do pressurised CO2...but slightly out of my price range. Would cost as much as the entire tank sitting next to me now I think :wink:

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yes it would. as far a a pressurized system would go, there is a member on this forum whose deals are fully worth it. but as you said pressurized set-ups are pricey, but worth it in the long run. since price is they key go with a diy yeast set-up. not as efficient as a pressurized system but they work. which is all you want to look at right now in the set-up you currently have. and yes the fert balls will help but they do need regular maintenance etc ie. regular instalments(sp?). also look at liquid ferts and maybe a lighting upgrade if you want to go for a planted set-up. sorry for making this sound complicated, it really isn't once you have the requirements. once the foundations are done in your new set-up you will not be disapointed as they can be quickly moved and set-up in new locations as you move. :)

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Thanks again for the advice :D Yeah, I will be doing lots more reading and going step by step. Upgrades for filtration and lighting will come one day too lol. Even with this costing a bit less than half of what an Aqua One tank of the same size would be, I really only have the money for some plants and fish at the moment. Good things take time :wink:

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Tank is 80cm long by 43 deep. Its around 55cm high I think, haven't checked exact measurement. Yeah, I realise the surface area is smaller than your standard 4 footer too

Not too worried about fish numbers yet. Just having fun thinking about what exactly I will put in there thats within the limits :D

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It can handle plenty of community fish, for example

- lots of neon tetras

- some platties or swordtails

- danios

- guppies

and many others there are the ones that will swim in the upper or middle level of you tank

bottoms feeders you could have 3-4 clown loaches, a few bristlenose catfish (get them small) and a few cories.

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Thats pretty close to what I have in mind so far

-Have two bristlenose already, still small

-Also two remaining danios, so will up the numbers to make a school

-Love cardinals, but neons are cheaper :wink:

-Maybe leopard cories?

-Was considering loaches as some breed of tiny snail made it into my tank on the ambulia I bought, so thought they might be useful

-LOVE blue rams, but obviously need to get tank well established first, and not sure how often they are available around here

OK, its late and I'm off to bed. Night all 8)

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Yea I'm more concerned about the lighting than the CO2. Only 40 W in a 180 litre tank...and its a deep tank. Not sure what I'm going to do yet. Theres 3 switches on the side, and only 2 control the two lights, so maybe theres another connection in there we could use. Well I say we, but it will be my engineer boyfriend that will be the one doing it :lol:

Anyway, an update. Picked up a nice piece of driftwood today (yes, I paid for one, I like the dark stuff in the stores, plus its presunk *hands head in shame*) Transferred my overgrown java fern onto it. Got some cheap black rocks too at a landscapers. Got gravel there too, but turned out too large once I got it home, so need another scout around tomorrow for some (anyone know where you can get p metal in Palmy?). And scored some dwarf sag, ricca and glosso for free, so thought "why not?" I wanted the dwarf sag, and wasn't going to say no to free glosso and ricca lol. Planted the sag, and the other two are floating for the time being

Still a bit murky:


Question too for you. I filled the tank late Saturday with tap water. *No* chlorine remover added. Its been 2 days, would I be ok to put my two danios in there to start the tank cycling? Oh, also when I did a water change in my small tank today, I took the 10 liters that I'd siphoned out and topped up this tank with it by pouring it over the filter wool in the hood. So hopefully seeded some good greeblies in there

Let me know what you think :)

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looks good. What plants are you thinking other tyhan the ones you have already? 40 watts should be fine for low- light plants of plants- Java ferns, Java moss, Anubias etc. I am currently planting out a 300 L tank with just 40W of lighting and it is 60 deep. Glosso and Riccia will need highter light though/

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Thanks guys :D

I don't think I can even smell chlorine in the water when it comes straight out the tap. But our good LFS likes to have signs up saying "Palmy North tap water is not suitable for fish tanks" Whereas the chain LFS will just sell you chlorine remover :wink: Water has already been in there a few days michael.quain. And yeah, large java fern lol. Had quite outgrown my 35 litre tank. Can't really pilfer filter media from that tank as its just a HOB filter with a sponge and bag of ceramic noodles, and I can't leave those fish without filtration.

As to plants, I have lots of ambulia in the small tank, some of which I will transfer. Bought some twisted val online, and want to get some normal val too if I can find any. Would like to get anubias nana and rotala rotundifolia. Also have on my watchlist E. osiris, stargrass and a red melon sword, but not sure about those ones yet...

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I don't recommend the red melon sword with your current lighting, I tried to have one before when my tank had a low 20W light and it died very quickly.

E Osiris will be fine I think, since I upgrade my light to 2X 18W Arcadia bulbs my one has been growing very well, from when it had just 4 leaves with my old 20W light.

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