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Total newbie from Christchurch (Prebbleton actually)


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Hi ... this site looks great.

I have just purchased an Aqua One AR-620 tank & stand - also a heater so I can get into tropical fish (never had fish before).

Am hoping to put in gravel, water etc this coming weekend. I do want a background for the tank and like the 3D ones (I have seen in an Aqua One brochure) that are like are like rocks. I figure the charcoal one will higlight the fish more. Am a bit disappointed that I can't see too many backgounds in local pet shops or even on local online sites. Anyone know somewhere with a good range to choose from?

Also interested in developing a stocking plan and am open to suggestions.

I like Pearl Danio's and thought I'd get 5-6 of these for a start. Later on I would like to add a Red Finned Shark

I also like Neon Tetra's, Cherry Barbs, Tiger Barb's, Clown Loaches, and the Chocolate Gourami (although I am told these are harder to keep and not for the inexperienced).

So would appreciate any ideas on what will & won't go together.



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Welcome. It is a great hobbie that can be quite addictive.

We have a Totally Tanked meting at our place on Saturday so feel free to come along and chat and ask questions. We are a great bunch of people and have a great variety of knowledge.

Check out the thread of Totally tanked.

Mr Loopy

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Welcome dcase. You will find plenty of help here.

The first thing you need to learn is about the aquarium cycle. There is good information here;


Your tank is not big enough for sharks or clowns by the way. The danios are a good fish to start with and cope with the cycling well.

I think I saw the backgrounds you referred to at Redwood Aquatics.

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I wouldn't go with the tiger barbs, they are best kept in a group of at least 6 or they can be trouble makers, and 6 big tiger barbs would be a full tank. I have 6 of them in a 4" tank with bala sharks, kribensis and a big pleco and they are great, but not in a smaller community tank.

Clown loachs are cool too, but also best kept in a group and although they grow slowly, they grow BIG.

Danios, tetras and the smaller barbs are a good choice. Have a look at Golden barbs, nice little community fish. Some small catfish (Corys) are a good cleanup crew and Bristlenose pleco or a couple of Oto catfish will help keep algae under control. Dont get a Common or Sailfin Pleco, unless you plan on getting a BIG tank fairly soon ;)



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& thanks for the tips - aim to look at Organism late tomorrow afternoon.

Unfortunately have a prior engagement for Sat night but would definitely be keen to meet with Totally Tanked members

Once again thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok ... had water in tank for a week and plants for 4 days ... was just going to initially add some Pearl Danios

BUT Animates had a good sale and ended up getting:

6 Pearl Danio

4 Plecostomus Brittlenose

1 Rainbow Shark

6 Peppered Catfish

6 Harlequin Rasbora

I know I am not supposed to add all these at once but price was so good (buy one & get another free). Got them yesterday.

I have been told main thing to watch for is ammonia spiking - I have test strips and so far so good. I also got a pouch of Nitra-Zorb which T have included in the filtration system and I will change a 1/4 of the tank water tomorrow and every 2-3 days for a while.

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I have some queries:

My temperature seems to vary during the from 25.7 to 27.1 - is such variation normal? For the fish in the posting above, what is ideal? I thought around 26 based on some eading I had done.

I have shrimp pellots and algae chips to feed the bottomdwellers and tropical flakes for the Danios & Rasbora's but what is best for the Rainbow Shark? It seems to like decimating one of the plants.


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have been told main thing to watch for is ammonia spiking - I have test strips and so far so good. I also got a pouch of Nitra-Zorb which T have included in the filtration system and I will change a 1/4 of the tank water tomorrow and every 2-3 days for a while

this should be fine i had a tank up and running and then got a new filter and did a wc every 2 days for 2 weeks and it was fine :D

My temperature seems to vary during the from 25.7 to 27.1 - is such variation normal? For the fish in the posting above, what is ideal? I thought around 26 based on some eading I had done

my tank can be as low as 22 in the morning and as high as 28 at nite

my room is cold in the morning but gets alot of strong sun at about 4 pm warms up the tank alot :o my fish dont seem to mind at all

I have shrimp pellots and algae chips to feed the bottomdwellers and tropical flakes for the Danios & Rasbora's but what is best for the Rainbow Shark? It seems to like decimating one of the plants.

rainbow sharks eat anything (at least mine did) :lol:

why not a gourami or a angelfish?

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