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Depends what youre feeding and what youre feeding for. For example some large predatory fish only need a few feeds a week whereas someone growing out discus would be feeding several times a day.

For most fish once daily suffices though, every second day probably wouldnt do them any harm

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Usually little bits and often are recommended but it can also depend on what sort of fish you have, what size, and whether there are fry in the tank. Generally most feed once or twice a day with the occasional food free day.

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Basically feed your fish so that they eat it all within 5 mins. The main danger is missed food getting lost in the tank and polluting the water.

This doesn't apply to plecos as their food is usually sunk to the bottom and left overnight. If there is some left in the morning, then cut back the amount. If they ate it all, try another pellet. Also try some fresh veges for the pleco, cucumber, courgette and mushroom for starters. Rubberband a piece to a rock and sink it into the tank, leave it overnight and take out whats left in the morning. This way they can eat as much as they want overnight and no danger of polluting the water. You can alternate pellets and veges for a balanced diet.

I feed my fish small amounts and often, usually at least 3 times a day. With the small feeds it's more likely that they clean it all up, rather than dumping in 2 days food all at once. But make sure it's only small amounts each time if you do this.



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I feed my fish "little yet often" up to 5 feeds a day... usually that being young grow outs.. and Africans are always hungry I find, so that's why I like to do the "little yet often"... Definately depends on species you keep tho.. Some species fatten up quicker than others too.

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I have a mature tank (heavily planted, well filtered and understocked) and all adult fish which get fed once or twice a week so I can go away for a week or 2 without having to worry about getting someone in to feed them :wink:

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For growing fish, feeding as many times possible small amounts (eaten within a minute or two 100%) is the best way to get good healthy big fish.

For adult fish you're just maintaing its not so important, but I still try to feed at least daily.

As long as there is no food left over, and nobody is bulging at the seams, then its fine.

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The shop would have told you that though cause lots of people over-feed their fish when they are new to the hobby - I think everyone has done it! :oops: That’s why its safer to feed a bit less if you are unsure how much to give or if your filtration isn't very strong...

But to add my 5c (or 10c I guess now!) I feed my fronts twice a day, community tank once a day and my bichir every 2 days :)

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