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Changing Substrate


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Hey all I would like to change my substrate in my 4 foot tank from big, ugly, yellow, sharp stones to fine,dark stones. It has my knifefish and pleco in there at the moment.

Does anyone have a quick way to change the substrate? By quick i mean once i take the fish out to do it, i need 2 get the tank back up and running ASAP as the fish will probably be going into a bucket wile i do it


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Drain the tank water into a big bin if you wanna keep it otherwise bin it. Scoop substrate out with dustpan have new cleaned substrate ready to go- easy! Otherwise change with the fish still in, changing a little bit at a time until its all done, it will make the water cloudy for a while but should be all good if you are not running under gravel filtration and as long as you wash the new gravel well

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no quick way, i'd have a couple of spare filters to filter out all the muck running on the tank, even if they are just internal filters stuffed with filter wool.

Leave some ugly yellow stuff in there in a corner or a fine layer at the bottom for biological filter, or you may have problems.

Wrinse the gravel out beforehand, and then as you are getting the water out, wash the gravel in the dirty water.

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I've changed the substrate in two tanks without removing the fish. If its fine enough you can use a big hose and suck it out like a water-change. Catch it in a pillow case and recycle the water if you don't want to change it all. Otherwise you can just scoop it out, and tip the new stuff in (make sure its thoroughly rinsed).

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I wouldnt leave the fish in there as when your disturbing all the gravel your releasing anerobic bacteria and this can be very bad fgor fish

Though it depends on the fish but I wouldnt do it

Use a large syphon hose and syphon the water and gravel out together

You should be able to get most of the gravel without all the water

Then add your new thoroughly washed gravel and let it sit for alittle while b4 adding your fish back in


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I would remove the fish too. There was a case in these parts not long ago a guy a lot of his fish in one tank.

After a few questions turned out he scooped out his old gravel, took out half the water added new gravel & topped up.

Imagine all the waste that sits in the gravel too. Be enough to choke & poison for sure.

Frenchy :D

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Hey Milet - are you going to keep the clown in there?

I just converted my tank to Aquamix / Sand and it would have been perfect for my clown if I still had him. I mainly fed him trout pellets and he gobbled up a bucketload of stones at the same time. That may have lead to his untimely demise (he was only 14" or so).

Just a thought...

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