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Palmerston North Club visit to Napier


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Just a reminder to everyone that this is happening this Saturday!!

We are starting off at 20 Haydon Street at 8-830am and heading over from there as we can car pool if anyone needs a ride (always spare seats)

We will be stopping at some homes organised by Warren over in Napier and also some shops along the way, so bring your wallets :D .

Also if we have time we might even stop in at the aquarium.

So if anyone would like to come along your all welcome even if you want to join in over in Napier!!!

I look forward to seeing everyone on the morning, or feel free to PM me before that time for anything else.

It will be a great day!!


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Glad you all had fun and made it back ok.

Nicole said that she liked the tank with the SpongeBob house in it the best!

Here is the picture of the Fronnie in the fish shop in Coburg I told African about.



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As the others have said, thanks to all those who made the trip a success (organisers, hosts, drivers, attendees etc).

I've put some not-very-good photos (having camera problems which are fixed now) here:


If anyone else wants to add others, send them to me and I'll upload them.


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