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black algae


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hey everyone. i've had an outbreak of black algae in my tank and was wondering how i get rid of it. i think it was because of too much light. i went down to the pet shop and they told me that a flyingfox is the only fish that will eat it. is there any other way of getting rid of it???

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No fish eat it in my experience. I get rid of it by doing frequent water changes to strip the nutrient from the water. Feed lightly and leave the lights on to promote the growth of your plants (they will also strip nutrient). Double dose with flourish excel as it has an algacidal effect and makes minerals easily available to your plants which strips even more nutrient as the grow. Failing that try prayer.

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Flourish excell is a fert that has the side effect of killing algae. I had BBA bad, was recommended her to use excell so i did. on the second day the BBA turned red then white on the third day & slowly disintegrated into nothing over the next four days.

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hmm yeah if you treat flourish at double dose it will prob make the hair algae worse! I had it really bad in a 2 ft tank but added more stem plants and dosed 10 ml every other day and its pretty much gone now after two weeks (touch wood) I'll prob start dosing 5 ml every second day instead now!

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Flourish excel has an algacidal effect but mainly promotes plant growth so that the nutrients are stripped from the water and the algae is starved of nutrient. Cutting down on feeding and water changes adds to this I think. The plants wont grow without the lights on either.

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my clowns were fine to. on the side of excell killing algae, the algae dies really fast so maybe excell works like roundup, its a growth hormone that makes the algae grow so fast that it doesnt have enough nutrients to sustain life.

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