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hey all

thought i might say a few things about myself...ive got a 45 gallon tropical tank been setup for abuot 6 weeks...got 4 zebra danios, 2 dwarf gouramis, 5 cardinal tetras, 1 female betta, 1 bristlenose pleco

im going to be getting 3 platys on the weekend...and getting a heater for the tank they'll be breeding in...its an 8 gal

after that all ive got to get is 4 panda cories and 2 kribs...and viola!!! my tank is fully populated

well thats all for now...see you round


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Welcome to the foroum for all fishie lovers. I echo Caryl and although it is so so sooooooooooooooooooo hard I suggest that you not add any more until your new tank is even more established as it's own little enviroment and all those good bacteria have a chance to set up a real colony.

Do you test the water regularly?? The PH Nitrate and Nitrites?? even the ammonia levels if you have a kit. What are the readings.

I just love settingup a new tank and landscaping, planting and BUYING THE FISH LOL. Welcome again

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