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Bad Apple Snails!!


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Hmmm, They were all alive and well when i fed them, went out to feed the pony and check on things and turned the light on when i came back (2hrs later) and there they were. Could have possibly 'passed on' while my back was turned.?? Bit gutted really. If only i could catch the neighbours cat, then they could have a huge fry up.

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They'll eat fish alright if there hungry enough.

As thats a yellow one I'd put a lettuce leaf in the tank for it as Yellows LOVE there plant matter.

I had one ONCE it ate a massive bunch of plants in it's first and last night in that tank. :x

If you have a planted tank and want to get ride of them add a yellow apple snail :lol: :lol:

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Its just a bronze goldfish they have. As to how they caught it?? theyre crafty, crawl onto the filter and catch a ride up to the top on the bubbles. They get a good amount of lettuce, duckweed, a few stalks of oxygenating plants each week.

Actually if anyone knows... when i got them they all had holes in their shells (lacking calcium?) now only 2 (got 8) have holes but is there anything i can give them/put in the water for this that wont affect the fish?

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:o How the hell do they catch a fish?? when you guys say snails,you mean snails right??

they can't be any slower and they can't swim!! They basicly just live in a 2D world right (having to attach to somewhere all the time?? :o :roll:

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ha ha Nick777 If only you knew!

Do NOT underestimate an apple snail!

Sure they can get blinkin big (like tennis balls) and i have seen they get this (_) close to catching a perfectly healthy fish.

It is usually when they are at the waters surface and the snails stretch out towards the middle of the tank to reach something, usually flake at feeding time when the fish are at the surface too and darting around, they will swim all round the snail and between the snails foot and the glass. As the snail pulls itself back in to latch on to the glass, a fish can get trapped between the glass and the snail because the fish is so bussy scoffing flake, he doesn't notice the snail closing in till it is too late. and thus the snail has caught himself a tasty dinner!!

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It is usually when they are at the waters surface and the snails stretch out towards the middle of the tank to reach something, usually flake at feeding time

Thats exactly what theyre doing... i thought i was going mad but they caught another one this morning. I fed them (crushed flake) as usual and sat there and just watched. One snail just went to the top, stretched out into the middle of the tank and stayed there. I first thought 'ok, youre just eating the flake' then a wee fishy went between the glass and the snail and it just latched on. I managed to get the fish away but it didnt survive. :x Fish eating apple snail anyone? I was reading up on breeding them (thats why theyre in that tank, to keep an eye on things) but so far they just eat and eat and eat and no x-rated stuff.

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Apple snails are highly under-rated! And they are quite complex in my opinion too.

They eat phenominal amounts of food if given the opportunity. And yes they will eat algae but it is not exactly a favourite. and they are not that great at algae eating either. They are more like lawn mowers that just crop algae back to a certain length rather than like a pleco who does a much better job.

They have dormant or quiet periods over winter. ANd so they eat less and will be pretty slow during that time.

They are NOT hermaphrodites therefore require a female and male to breed. I personally found sexing is not very easy.

They have teeth which are both creepy and funky to see.

They are NOT slow (well. not as slow as you probably expect!) and they can become quite tame and crawl over your hand if you will permit them and you can hand feed too. (just watch out for those teeth!)

They do have some bad habits too like having an attraction to eating sponge filters, plastic plants, and note: on the rare occasion, fish.

They are extremely messy pigs, and if you don't have a lid on your tank they can go walk-about at night too and you may find a snail tucked under the couch or half way across your fish room floor!

Otherwise i think they are fantastic!

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Oh i just had a thought!!

At feeding time give each of your snails a cat bikki or fish pellet of their own to munch on! they will be so busy with that that they won't be so inclined to chow down on your fish and by the time they have finished their breakfast, the fish will probably be finished their flake too.

The snails will catch on pretty quick. Just wait for them to do their stretchy thing at the top of the tank and drop a pellet down onto their foot or hold it in front of their mouth steadily. They should grab hold of it and then leave everyone else in peace!

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