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OOOOPS - It must be Monday!


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Whilst doing a water change this morning on my 400 ltr tank I decided to pull apart my new AquaOne 2400 (been going only 4 days) to add some carbon. (Please note this is the first time I have pulled it apart). :-?

I turned it off, unlocked the top … yes you know where this is going … I congratulated myself on how easy it came off (coz it was hard to get on when assembling it) but only for a split second …. that is until water started gushing out. I (not wanting my hubby to see this) tried to press back down on the top … still gushing …. oooh needs more weight ... so I stood on top of it … still gushing …. in fact now with the pressure on … it is fully squirting out, all over my sofa, back into the cupboard with all the electrical plugs in it. I jump down and desperately try to shield the flow of water onto the plugs with my body (one of those times when I would have rejoiced in a few more pounds – 50 kilos doesn’t cover much).

Common sense then took over and I began to yell … ‘hubby’ … no answer, ‘hubby’ (louder) …… H E L P (full scream). Hubby never came (just as well coz the shock would have been too much for him as by now there is about 50 litres of water on the floor) but son-in-law heard from garage, daughter heard from outside and both came running. Amazing how fast the mind figures out (why didn’t I think of it before) that I was supposed to unscrew the little caps on top of intake out outlet hoses to let air in to stop the tank from siphoning.

By the time the caps are unscrewed there is at least 100 ltrs of water all over my lounge carpet, my sofa is soaked, plugs are soaked, I am soaked, air pump is gurgling, 3 year old granddaughter is panicked, daughter in law is having braxton hicks contractions (she pregnant), son-in-law is laughing and still no sign of my wonderfully helpful husband!

Every towel in the house is now in the laundry, dehumidifier is whirring away madly.

Lesson learnt! (the hard way as usual). On the bright side - quickest water change I've ever done ....

Sooo …. how was your morning?

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lol cant say as ive been there and done that the same way but ive emptied a tank onto the carpet.. The spray bar fell out and had a couple of jets emptying out the back of the tank destroyed the tank stand and the carpet etc had to pull it all down and lift the carpet to dry it all out!

I hope yours all dries out and everyones alright (and also that your better half doesn't hate your fish now) cuz my wife wasn't too impressed when that happened! Something about destroying our lives and it taking a week to dry out and us having no lounge while it was drying or something i wasn't really listening was trying to fix the stand and get it setup again :oops:

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Aquarium Dude - AquaOne 2400 does not have taps! Has two little screw in caps up by the inlet and outlet hoses (at top of tank) and you are supposed to unscrew them to let air in and release pressure. This stops them from syphoning (I know that now) :lol:

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I just remembered - there was the time when I left the hose running into the tank and it flipped around and started hosing down the ceiling. I ended up doing a 'doorway dance' as I tried to decide whether to run for the tap or run for the hose.

Luckily for me Ballistic and Mystic arrived just in time to help with the mopping up and they didn't laugh too much. It was also on the kitchen floor, not the carpet, so my floor, walls and ceiling got a bonus wash.

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Sorry, but I have just laughed myself silly at your misfortune ( I know it is not really funny but just one of those situations where you cannot help yourself). Hope all turns out ok. Has hubby returned from walk about?

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I have the 2200 and just turn off the big tap, then take the black hosey thing out and mov the thing to the sink.


Yup - its OK to laugh - thats why I shared .... gotta laugh or ya end up crying :lol:

Pics would have been even better
LOL - I'll try to remember that next time Caryl :P
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I know the feeling. Plumbed up an extension on a 30,000 ltr Paua Farm but didn't remember to turn the isolating valve when I checked for any leaks..... It leaked alright..... and the pressure against the opposite wall had it nearly hitting the pipes from where it came from..... 10m away....

Only lost a 1000 odd litres, an hours work to clean up and a change of clothes.... all seawater shpped to the recirculation farm too...

Make sure you learn from your mistakes.....

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