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what will go in with oscars


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ok hi all how r u what im looking to do is find out what i can put in with my oscars i got a 6 ft with sand and a hope some wood if i can find a bit to fit in the tank lol i got two oscars now and 2 plocs that r going in the tank so what do u think will be a good fish to go with them or ???

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what I have with my oscars

giant gourami


firemouth cichlids

btw I have discovered that you can keep guppies with severums, they will leave adult guppies alone but will eat the fry. Hence instant live food and perfect for breeding.

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Most tank mates for an Oscar are found by trial and error, as each oscar has it's own personality. It won't usually like it's new tank mates, it depends on wether he decides to let him be or not. It helps if you get something slighty bigger than him for a start and he will generally leave them alone, unless they get in his way of course.

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